Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Chris Bibey is a freelance writer and internet marketing professional located in Pittsburgh, PA.

What Should You Look for in a Car Loan?

Buying a car is supposed to be fun. Unfortunately, your good time can be spoiled if you run into challenges when searching for a loan. On the plus side, there are thousands of lenders across the country offering car loans. From small community banks to national lenders to credit unions, your options are nearly endless. With so many options, you must carefully consider the finer details of each lender and loan that’s available to you. Here...
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Why Was My Mortgage Application Denied?

Once you decide to purchase a home, you’re faced with a variety of questions, tasks, and responsibilities. One of the most important steps is applying for a mortgage. While you hope that everything works out, there may be a major concern on your mind: a denial. There are things you can do to tilt the scales in your favor, such as saving up a down payment of at least 20 percent. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee...
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Usually you can call and get a "phone" approval/rejection based on high level information. This is not binding, but can give you g... Read More
Tuesday, 28 May 2019 11:42
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Buying Life Insurance? Avoid These Mistakes

Buying life insurance is never easy, as you may find yourself pulled in two different directions. On one hand, you want to put a lot of time into the process because you understand how important it is to purchase the right policy. On the other hand, who really want to think about what will happen when they pass away? Below are five of the most common mistakes people make when buying life insurance: 1. Neglect to...
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I always recommend pursuing term life insurance. To me the benefits far out weigh all other options.
Sunday, 28 April 2019 19:36
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Is Your Mortgage Broker Trying to Scam You?

As you search for your dream home, you’ll soon find yourself facing a variety of important questions. While most your attention is focused on finding the right property, it won’t be long before you begin your search for the perfect mortgage. Many people turn to the service of a mortgage broker, as doing so is one of the best ways to secure a competitive rate from a reputable lender. Unfortunately, this process is easier said than...
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I tried to use one when we bought our first home, but had a terrible experience. Not worth it and I would not recommend it.
Sunday, 28 April 2019 19:34
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Online Personal Loans: A Growing Trend

Every year, millions of consumers turn to a personal loan to tackle expenses ranging from home improvement projects to medical bills. While you always have the option to speak with local financial institutions about your borrowing needs, a growing number of people are turning their attention to the internet. In today’s day and age, you can do almost everything online. So, it’s only natural that you also have the option to secure a personal loan in...
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Great "heads up" on obtaining a Personal Loan. You highlighted some areas that we as consumers need to be aware of. Finding legiti... Read More
Wednesday, 27 March 2019 09:17
While I agree with Wanderer you need to find a legitimate lender, this is the future and at some point will be the most common way... Read More
Sunday, 28 April 2019 19:34
2234 Hits

Top Features of a Small Business Credit Card

With so many small business credit card offers to compare, it can take several hours (or longer) to gain a better understanding of what’s best for you, your finances, and your company. There are some small business credit card features you don’t want to overlook, as they’re important to your overall experience. Here are several to focus on as you compare your options and make a final decision: Online account management: Every credit card issuer offers...
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You can also look into how long you are able to pay off the credit card. Some companies offer 2-3 months payback.
Sunday, 28 April 2019 19:31
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Thinking About a Business Loan? Answer These Questions

There may come a time when your business requires additional capital. While there are many ways to seek funding, a business loan is often the best. With so many products to choose from – and hundreds of lenders offering them – you won’t struggle to find something that suits your requirements. Since taking out a business loan is such a big decision, it’s important to answer a variety of questions before pushing forward. Here are seven...
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I took out a small business loan last year, and shopped around for almost 3 months. There are so many providers out there, it is w... Read More
Thursday, 21 March 2019 11:34
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Small Business Payroll: Answer These Questions Early On

As a small business owner, you’ll have many questions to answer early on in regards to payroll. If you address these right away, you’re in position to implement a system that works for both you and your employees. However, if you put this off, you could find yourself making mistakes that cause additional stress and headaches. Here are the most important payroll questions to answer as you get your small business up and running: Will you...
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The scary part of payroll is when you see that the Federal, Medicare, State and local related payroll taxes have to be paid on a t... Read More
Friday, 08 March 2019 07:03
I think even if you have 1 employee besides yourself, it is worth it to outsource this process. As wanderer and ChrisB mentioned, ... Read More
Monday, 18 March 2019 16:20
2052 Hits

A Spring Garage Sale May be Just What You Need

As the winter season comes to an end, it’s safe to say that you’re looking forward to warmer weather and everything that comes along with it. After a long winter, you may realize that you’ve got more clutter in your home than you would like. Rather than throw out any unwanted items, it makes better sense to organize a garage sale. Not only does this help you remove clutter, but with the right approach you can...
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I am in bad need of getting a garage sale! I have so much stuff to get rid off, I am hoping to get one organized by April!
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:56
I was able to get my act together and did a garage sale this March. While I did not make a ton of money I was able to get rid of a... Read More
Monday, 18 March 2019 16:17
1841 Hits

Items to Negotiate With Your Cable Company

Cable companies are notorious for regularly increasing the cost of your service. Just as you get comfortable with one payment, you receive a bill that you’re not expecting. While you could simply pay the higher bill, you don’t necessarily want to take this approach. It’s better to contact your cable company, ask about the increase, and determine if there’s anything you can do to save. It goes without saying that you can negotiate the overall price...
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Its pretty easy to switch cable providers, so I usually switch every 2-3 years to get the best deal and keep them honest.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:55
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