Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Chris Bibey is a freelance writer and internet marketing professional located in Pittsburgh, PA.

How to Save Money on a Rental Car

With summer vacation season in full swing, you may find yourself scouring car rental websites in search of the best deal. There are several key steps you can take to save money, thus leaving more cash in your budget for more exciting purchases. •    Book alongside other travel: For example, if you’re also booking a hotel and flight online, consider adding a rental car to the package. By booking everything at once, you’re in best position...
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  2275 Hits
2275 Hits

Questions to Answer When Seeking a Small Business Loan

It doesn’t matter if you’re starting or growing a business, there’s likely to come a point when you need a cash infusion. Some companies have enough money in the bank to handle all their financial needs. Others turn to credit cards and investors to get what they need. And of course, many owners understand the benefits of a small business loan. Taking out a small business loan is a big decision that will impact your company...
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  1821 Hits
1821 Hits

Important Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector

Congratulations, you’re under contract to purchase a new home. While you’re not at the finish line yet, you can see it in the distance. If you have a home inspection contingency in your contract, which is something you should strongly consider, you have the right to hire a home inspector to go over the property with a fine tooth comb. Furthermore, if they find something you don’t like, you have the option to back out of...
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Real good advice! Used a Home Inspector on my most recent residential purchase. Cost was $400 and the findings were useful. The se... Read More
Thursday, 04 July 2019 04:43
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5 Things to Know About Building Credit for the First Time

Building credit for the first time can be both exciting and stressful. On the plus side, you’re ready to take this big step in your financial life. Conversely, you have some concerns about the moves you’re making and the short and long-term impact. Here are five things to know about building credit for the first time: 1. It’s Every Bit as Important as it Sounds Don’t talk yourself into thinking this isn’t important. Even if you...
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  2325 Hits
2325 Hits

Work With Your Contractor to Save On Your Project

Maybe you’re dreaming of a new kitchen. Or maybe it’s time to put an addition on your home. Perhaps you want to finish your basement. Regardless of the home improvement project you’re planning, there may be one thing standing in your way: money. Even if you have enough money to complete your project, it doesn’t mean you want to overspend. It’s likely that you’re still interested in saving money along the way. By working closely with...
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  1752 Hits
1752 Hits

How to Get Out of a Cell Phone Contract: Points of Consideration

Do you remember the days when every cell phone carrier was clamoring for your business? From a free phone to a variety of monthly perks, they were willing to do whatever it took to make you happy. However, as cell phones became more popular, this all fell by the wayside. Soon enough, carriers were locking customers into long-term contracts. If you’re interested in getting out of a cell phone contract, here are a few things to...
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  2008 Hits
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I have had horrible experience in the past trying to negotiate with cell phone companies. I view them as very very difficult to wo... Read More
Sunday, 30 June 2019 10:52
2008 Hits
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What are the Drawbacks of a Secured Credit Card?

Do you have poor credit? Are you struggling to build a credit history? Do you have concerns about ever qualifying for a credit card? Despite your stress, there are things you can do to put yourself on the right path. For example, a secured credit card comes with a variety of benefits: •    Easier to obtain than an unsecured credit card•    Low fee structure•    Refundable deposit (if you meet the terms and conditions) While these benefits...
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  1829 Hits
1829 Hits

What are the Benefits of a Short-term Loan?

With so many types of loans to consider, you should feel confident in your ability to find the one that’s best for you, your finances, and your goals. A short-term loan is often overlooked, but there are times when this is the perfect solution. Here are three of the many benefits associated with this type of loan: •    Lower interest rate: When borrowing money, you always want to know how much you’ll pay in interest. Short-term...
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  1548 Hits
1548 Hits

Don’t Have 20 Percent for a Down Payment?

When buying a home, a variety of financial questions and concerns will move to the forefront. While there are many numbers to keep in mind, 20 percent will come up time after time. This is the magic number when it comes to a minimum down payment.Basic math shows you that this is equivalent to $20,000 down for every $100,000 worth of home. So, if you’re buying a property for $200,000, a $40,000 down payment is what...
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Sometimes even when you do not have 20% down, you will be money ahead in owning over leasing/renting and you potentially are build... Read More
Thursday, 13 June 2019 05:15
I will say I did not have 20% saved to purchase my first home. Most banks were still willing to work with me and I also did not ha... Read More
Sunday, 30 June 2019 10:56
2495 Hits

Save Money by Purchasing Contact Lenses Online

If you wear contact lenses, you’re familiar with the expense of buying replacements every three, six, or twelve months. Even if you’ve made it part of your budget, it doesn’t make it any less painful when you have to part with the money. Fortunately, there are many ways to save on the purchase of contact lenses, with buying online one of your best options. If you’re interested in giving this a try, here are a few...
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I have tried this before, but unfortunately my vision insurance doesn't cover online eye contact purchases.
Sunday, 30 June 2019 10:54
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