Super Finance Glossary


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Glossary term Lend: To provide money temporarily on the condition that it or its equivalent will be returned, often with an interest fee.
Glossary term Operating risk: The inherent or fundamental risk of a firm, without regard to financial risk. The risk that is created by operating leverage. Also called business risk.
Glossary term IRA/Keogh accounts: Special accounts that allow saving taxes deferred until money is withdrawn. These plans are subject to frequent changes in law with respect to the deductibility of contributions. Withdrawals of tax-deferred contributions are taxed as income, including the capital gains from such accounts.
Glossary term Mean-variance analysis: Evaluation of risky prospects based on the expected value and variance of possible outcomes.
Glossary term Serial covariance: The covariance between a variable and the lagged value of the variable; the same as autocorrelation.