Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

3 Reasons You Need an Emergency Fund

When you look at your emergency fund what do you see? While some people are happy with the amount of money they have saved, others come to realize the following: they need to make up ground in a hurry. Nobody wants to be faced with an emergency, but you never know what is going to happen in the future. Why not prepare for the worst but hope for the best? Here are three reasons why you...
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Great subject! In light of our current pandemic many a person has commented they were glad the family had set aside some money to ... Read More
Saturday, 27 February 2021 06:31
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5 Tips for Buying a Car in 2021

With 2020 finally over, it won’t be long before you turn your attention to the new year. This means many things, including a focus on your finances. For some, buying a car in 2021 is one of the biggest decisions they will make. If you find yourself in this position, here are five tips you absolutely need to follow (you can get started today): Set a Budget Although you may not be purchasing right away, don’t...
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  3600 Hits
3600 Hits

Don't Buy a New Car Until you Answer these Financial Questions

Has the thought of buying a new car overcome your mind? Are you ready to make a deal happen? While you don’t want to kill your excitement, it is important to first consider what you are doing from a financial point of view. Here are three financial questions to answer before signing on the dotted line: 1: Would you be better off purchasing a used vehicle? This is a question many people struggle to answer. The...
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3857 Hits

What Homeowners Should Know About Using Home Equity

As a homeowner, you've likely heard the phrase “home equity” thrown around and you may even be considering using the equity that's accumulated in your own home. Using the equity in your home can be a great financial move for a variety of reasons. This is especially true as there are few limitations as to what it can be used for.  The most important factors of home equity are understanding what it is, how to acquire...
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4436 Hits

Important Mortgage Loan Questions to Ask

There are a lot of questions to ask and answer as you search for a new home. While the act of finding a property can be downright exciting, the same cannot always be said for securing a mortgage. From local lenders to those that do business all over the country, you will be faced with many options along the way. How you make a final decision is up to you, however, there are steps you can...
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In considering your mortgage costs will be the effect of your credit scores. As the scores improve lenders are inclined to offer y... Read More
Saturday, 14 November 2020 15:55
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How to Prepare Now for Holiday Shopping in the Near Future

With the holiday shopping season closing in, now is the best time to get prepared. If you wait too long, if you continue to put this off, you may find yourself searching for gifts without any time to spare. Supply disruptions in 2020 magnify the current need to not procrastinate. Fortunately, you have the option to prepare yourself well in advance. Here are three steps you can take now to prepare for the holiday shopping you...
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3206 Hits

How to Prepare Now for a Job Search in 2021

With the year quickly coming to an end, there is no better time than now to think about the future. The year will likely be remembered as "infamous 2020" or something like that for most people. For some, this means one thing: finding a new job in the new year. If you know you want to change positions in 2021, don’t wait any longer to review your situation and decide which steps to take. Although everyone...
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A good list of job search items that will aide a person considering work. It certainly can be scary and paying as much attention t... Read More
Wednesday, 21 October 2020 19:46
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Update on Home Sales and U.S. Mortgage Rates

A few additional interesting statistics to watch during this pandemic, is U.S. home sales and the corresponding mortgage rates. Please let me know if anyone has recently purchased a home and if they are comfortable sharing, please share your rate as well. U.S. Home Sales: U.S home sales dropped to their lowest level in more than 9.5 years in May, which are caused by disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, there was the smallest annual home...
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Purchasing a home is a major undertaking. In today's world do you know you will have a job to pay the bills or stay geographically... Read More
Wednesday, 15 July 2020 06:24
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Personal Savings Rate for Americans

On another positive note, I wanted to share how savings rates have recently changed during this pandemic. To quickly summarize, Americans are saving significantly more and spending less. In fact, Americans saved a record amount of their income in April, as the coronavirus pandemic caused businesses across the country to shut down and individuals were encouraged to stay in their homes. According to data released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis on Friday, the personal savings...
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  2896 Hits
2896 Hits

How to Turn a Crisis into a Financial Fresh Start

As you have read almost everyday, this financial crisis is creating havoc on a lot of individuals and businesses. However, I wanted to write a positive article on how you might be able to take advantage of this crisis with a fresh start. There may even be upside to the months spent at home. Below are a few steps for you to look into and you may be able to improve your financial position during this...
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2753 Hits

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