Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

6 Things to Look for In a Savings Account

A savings account is more than just a place to keep your spare change or an account to hold your emergency fund. This place has to provide good protection for your money. You should put just as much consideration into choosing your savings account as you do with any other financial account. While you may be tempted to choose a savings account at your primary bank because it’s easier that way, you may be able to...
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Today, given the amount of saving account opportunities, you should never have to pay a monthly fee for the savings account. If yo... Read More
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:20
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How to Save Money on the Cost of Furniture

Are you in the market for furniture? From a couch to a dining room table to an entertainment stand, there’s no shortage of things you can purchase for your home. Here’s a common problem when shopping for furniture: everything you like is priced out of your budget. While this is a concern among most furniture buyers, it shouldn’t stop you dead in your tracks. There are steps you can take to save money, with these among...
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I always wait for sale, usually memorial or labor day. I have been able to get some great deals on couches, TVs, beds, etc.
Monday, 30 April 2018 16:42
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Three Ways to Earn More Interest On Your Savings

Having your money in a traditional savings account typically isn’t the best way for it to grow. Sure, it’s safe and easily accessible, but you may have the opportunity to earn more interest on your savings if you move it to another type of account. Here are three ways you can earn more interest on your savings and still keep your funds safe. Switch to an online savings account. Online banks don’t have the expenses of...
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Buying a CD is going to be the most bang for your buck in regards to a savings account. They rates are still very low, so you shou... Read More
Monday, 30 April 2018 16:39
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Starting a Business? You Better Plan for These Expenses

Are you in the process of starting a business? Are you creating your business plan to help guide you through the startup phase? Do you have some concerns about the cost of getting your company off the ground? No two businesses are the same, so it’s hard to know exactly how much you’ll spend on startup costs until you dig into the finer details. Even so, some expenses are common across the board. Here are five...
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I will tell you no matter what business you start, you are likely underestimating your expenses and overestimating your sales, esp... Read More
Monday, 30 April 2018 16:37
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3 Simple Ways to Save Money on Gas

Do you find yourself spending entirely too much money on gas every month? Are you hoping to reduce this expense? Have you tried and failed to do so in the past? With the national average gas price hovering right around $2.52/gallon (regular), now’s not the time to ignore this expense. Instead, it’s up to you to find ways to save a few dollars here and there. Here are three simple steps you should consider taking in...
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Following on the authors comments ... being organized in your travels may lead to fewer miles driven. Lay out your route with stop... Read More
Friday, 19 January 2018 13:41
I get all of my gas from Kroger, which gives me $0.10 per gallon. This helps quite a bit over time.
Monday, 26 February 2018 15:35
2195 Hits

How Will You Use a Personal Loan?

Are you interested in applying for a personal loan? Do you have reason to believe this could be the best way to fund an upcoming purchase or deal with an unexpected expense? Are you on the fence as to whether or not you should use a personal loan? There are many benefits of a personal loan, including the fact that these are unsecured. In other words, the lender doesn’t require any collateral. Note: unsecured loans typically...
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I was able to get a personal loan for a very loan introductory rate (actually 0% for 18 months) for a home improvement project. I ... Read More
Friday, 23 February 2018 14:31
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5 No-Fail Steps to Meet Your Savings Goals

Saving money isn’t the easiest thing to do, especially if you’re not a saver by nature. But with a solid goal and a clear plan, you can meet your own personal savings targets. Here are a few steps to take to make it happen. Set a goal. To be able to meet your savings goal, first you have to set one. Don’t just set your goal based on a random number you pull from thin air....
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Having someone else accountable really helps as well. For example, my wife and I both help each other meet our savings goal!... Read More
Friday, 23 February 2018 14:31
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5 Steps to Take If You Get a Raise This Year

All your hard work has finally paid off and your boss has just informed you that you’ve received a raise effective on your next paycheck. Many people automatically start thinking about how much additional money they’ll be able to spend each month. It’s understandable that you want to use your extra money to improve your life, but makes sure you’re being smart about it. Don’t assume anything until you see your paycheck. A 5% increase in...
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My wife and I were both lucky enough to get a raise this year. We decided to increase our debt payments up the same amount. This w... Read More
Friday, 23 February 2018 14:29
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Did You Blow Your Holiday Budget?

With the holiday season slowing moving into the past, it won’t be long before you’re reviewing your budget to see where things stand (if you haven’t done so already). Like many, you may find  that you overspent during the holidays. From gifts to food, from travel to entertainment, you didn’t make the best decisions over the past month or so. Here are three important steps to take if you find yourself in this position: •    Assess...
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These Expenses Could be Sinking Your Budget

When you look at your budget are you happy with what you see? Have you come to realize that you just can’t get some expenses under control? Are you having a difficult time even understanding where your money is going? Even if you have a firm grasp on your budget, you know that things can quickly spiral out of control. And that’s why you have a budget in the first place. With this in mind, it’s...
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Every month I look at how much I spent on eating out and it makes me very angry! It is crazy how eating out adds up. This is my ma... Read More
Friday, 23 February 2018 14:26
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