Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Items to Negotiate With Your Cable Company

Cable companies are notorious for regularly increasing the cost of your service. Just as you get comfortable with one payment, you receive a bill that you’re not expecting. While you could simply pay the higher bill, you don’t necessarily want to take this approach. It’s better to contact your cable company, ask about the increase, and determine if there’s anything you can do to save. It goes without saying that you can negotiate the overall price...
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Its pretty easy to switch cable providers, so I usually switch every 2-3 years to get the best deal and keep them honest.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:55
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7 Steps to Achieving Financial Health

Many Americans are struggling financially, with a large number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck and others having to borrow to make ends meet. Americans who grew up in a home with parents who struggled my repeat their parents’ mistakes because they don’t understand the important parts of being financially healthy. As you work to improve your finances, focus on mastering these key areas. Spend less than you make. When your monthly expenses are greater than...
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  2029 Hits
2029 Hits

7 Ways to Handle a Delay in Pay

Temporary layoffs can happen when you least expect and with no warning from your employer. Worse, you may not know how long the layoff will last and when your pay will start again. Staying on top of your finances can be difficult when there’s a delay in your pay. Here are some tips for staying on track until the layoff is over. Take advantage of your emergency fund. A delay in pay is the exact kind of situation...
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  1812 Hits
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This is great information especially what is going on right now. I hope government employees get paid immediately.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:29
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Learning Personal Finance in 2019

A new year is approaching, and that means new goals are coming. A good goal for 2019 may be to learn more about personal finance so you can be financially successful! Below are a few tips and recommendations to be able to learn more about personal finance in 2019.  Please feel free to post in the comments sections if you have any additional recommendations. Personal Finance Podcasts: Podcasts have become a hugely popular trend, and now...
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  2049 Hits
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Has anyone started this year????
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:21
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These Financial Traps Could Set You Back in 2019

Even if you’re happy with your financial situation and the way you’re managing your money, you never know what the future will bring. It only takes one mistake or misstep to find yourself heading down the wrong path. With so many financial traps lurking, it’s imperative to think long and hard about every money move you make. Here are five traps to keep out of your life in 2019: 1. Taking Money From Your Retirement Savings...
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  1965 Hits
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I would add: (1) Investing in Bitcoin/cryptocurrencies (2) not paying off your credit card every month.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:20
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7 Best Ways to Spend a Year-End Bonus

Many employers pay a year-end bonus as a reward to employees for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. After laboring all year long, most people think about splurging the bonus, but there may be some better ways to put the money to good use. Put it aside for taxes. After it’s added to the salary you earned throughout the year, a year-end bonus may push you into a new tax bracket. You could end...
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I can tell you I am saving my bonus this year!
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:10
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FDIC vs. SIPC Insurance: What's the Difference

When you’re looking for a safe place to put your cash and possibly earn some interest, it’s important to make sure you understand the type of coverage your account comes with. FDIC and SIPC are two types of coverage that many financial institutions and brokerages offer to their customers. Banks are typically covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC. Funds in checking, savings accounts, CDs, and money market accounts are insured up to $250,000...
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  7053 Hits
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Very interesting! Did not know or understand the differences which are quite large. Thanks!
Tuesday, 25 December 2018 06:10
I never knew the major difference either! Thanks for the great information!
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:52
7053 Hits

Do Your Best to Avoid These Estate Planning Mistakes

The end of one year and the beginning of the next are among the best times to turn your attention to estate planning. While this may not be one of the more exciting things you do, it’s definitely one of the most productive. With so many details to consider and decisions to make, it’s not out of the question that you could fall prey to an estate planning mistake. Fortunately, if you’re familiar with these mistakes,...
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  1647 Hits
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Good topic as you point out the realities of Estate Planning. The part about using an experienced attorney is especially notable. ... Read More
Tuesday, 25 December 2018 06:15
I tried the "do it yourself" and failed miserably. It is way too complicated to do it yourself, hire a professional. It is worth t... Read More
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:51
1647 Hits

5 Ways to Spot Online Loan Scams

The world of online lending makes it much easier to get funding for home improvements, debt consolidation, medical bills, or other financial needs. It’s also easier for scammers to trick unsuspecting consumers. Scammers can pose as legitimate lenders and trick you into paying for a loan upfront. Or, they can lock you into loans with higher interest rates and fees than you actually qualify for. Be on the lookout for both of these when you’re looking...
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There are so many scammers online, I always try to double and triple check when possible.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:45
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Perks of Using a Digital Wallet for Purchases

One of the features that comes with today’s smartphones is the ability to use your phone for payments rather than swiping your credit cards. The latest smartphones come equipped with a technology known as Near Field Communication, or NFC, which can transmit certain information when the phone is near an NFC-equipped reader. In the case of payments, your phone can securely send your payment information when it’s placed near a credit card terminal. Some smartwatches even...
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  2650 Hits
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To add Samsung Smart Phones have a good following on their Smart Phone Pay System. And, another option that is just being reintrod... Read More
Saturday, 01 December 2018 05:07
Great information here! I may start using this in 2019.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:45
2650 Hits