Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Tips for Opening a Savings Account With a Small Amount of Money

Building a savings habit is one of the best things you can do for your financial health. Don’t put off saving money because you think you don’t have enough. The key is to look for a savings account with no minimum balance requirement. This way you can open your savings account, even if you’re not ready to put anything in it yet, and deposit money as you can afford to. Look for an Online Bank Online...
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Most online banks have a very minimal or no minimum. So you have no excuse!!
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:19
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Why You'll Regret Dipping Into Your Retirement Savings

Your retirement fund is a place that you can invest money you earn today so you’ll have a nest egg to support yourself when you finally stop working for good. Retirement may be decades away for you and in the meantime, you may be tempted to pull money from your retirement fund for some of your other financial goals. People commonly dip into their retirement to cover a down payment on a first home, for home...
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Early withdrawals are going to kill your retirement funds. I recommend against it almost for all situations, unless it is really d... Read More
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:17
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9 Tips for Making Bill Paying Easier

One thing is for sure - monthly bills will always be part of life. That doesn’t mean your bills have to be a headache. There are ways to manage your bills so that your finances flow smoothly and your bills don’t give you nightmares. Check your bills regularly. Avoid letting your bills pile up because the higher the stack of bills gets, the more you’ll procrastinate on opening them. Even if you’re not planning to pay...
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You can also add automatic payments. Make sure you still look at your bills, but this way you will never miss a payment again.... Read More
Thursday, 19 July 2018 15:55
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5 Things to Look for In a Stock Trading App

In the past, trading stocks would have required you to meet with a stock broker who would make the trade on your behalf. In exchange for making the trade, the stock broker would charge a fee and even require a minimum investment in the five or six figures. Smartphones and the fintech evolution have made stock investing much easier, faster, and far less expensive. With stock trading apps, you can start with a minimal investment, pay...
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  2018 Hits
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I am curious, what portion of people actually use a stock trading app? I only use desktop, but curious if I am an outlier.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:09
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4 Tips for Handing Debt Collector Calls

When one of your accounts falls past due, your creditor may sell the account to a third-party debt collector. The debt collector then has the right to pursue you for payment. Of course, one of the ways debt collectors attempt to get you to pay is by calling you. These calls can be a nuisance, especially when you can’t afford to pay. Knowing how to handle debt collector calls can keep you in control of the...
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I usually recommend to not speak to them. I recommend seeking out counsel to help you deal with your debt and debt collectors.... Read More
Thursday, 19 July 2018 15:52
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5 Easy Ways to Protect Your Finances

Remember the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? That goes for your finances too. Whether you have a little money or a lot of it, taking steps to safeguard your finances is important for your future. Here are five easy ways to protect your finances. Choose FDIC-insured banks. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, is a government agency that ensures your bank deposits won't be lost in the event of...
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I would add credit monitoring as well. This helps you in case of fraudulent activity.
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:56
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Are Co-Branded Credit Cards Worth It?

Some of your favorite brands and retailers offer co-branded credit cards. These are credit cards that are partnered with a major retailer in addition to the bank who issues the credit card. Co-branded credit cards are similar to closed-loop store credit cards in that you can earn more rewards for shopping with that brand of store. But, co-branded credit cards are partnered with a major credit card processing network - American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Discover...
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I sue target/visa credit card a lot because I spend a lot of money there. Otherwise I don't like co-branded credit cards.
Friday, 29 June 2018 11:20
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What Happens If You Don't Pay a Collection

Any time you fall behind on a payment, there’s a risk of your account going to a debt collector. This applies to credit cards, loans, cell phone payments, cable service and anything else that has a monthly payment. Many people incorrectly assume they no longer have to pay off an account because it’s been sent to a collection agency. However, you still owe a debt, even when it’s been sent to collections, and there are still...
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Once your outstanding bill is sent to a collection agency, you are going to be harassed and bothered a lot. Please reach out to an... Read More
Friday, 29 June 2018 11:19
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5 Reasons Your Credit Card Was Declined

Having your credit card declined is both embarrassing and inconvenience. It’s not always necessarily your fault - sometimes there’s a problem on the credit card issuer’s end. Even the merchant may have technical issues that can cause your credit card to be declined. Before you panic, here are some reasons that explain why your credit card could be declined. You don’t have enough available credit. Some credit card issuers will allow you to exceed your credit...
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I always recommend to call the credit card and they should be able to give you a reason on why you were denied.
Friday, 29 June 2018 11:18
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Rising Gas Prices: A Credit Card Can Reduce the Pain at the Pump

In the past several weeks, you’ve probably noticed your gas prices creeping higher and higher each time you visit the gas pump. You’re especially feeling the pinch if you have an SUV or a vehicle that requires premium gas. Crude oil prices are at the highest level in more than three years, which means increasing gas prices may not slow down any time soon. Choosing the right credit card can help you alleviate some of the...
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Gas credit cards should have at a minimum of 5% cash back/rebate. I have even seen some for 10% back.
Friday, 29 June 2018 11:15
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