Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

7 Steps to Achieving Financial Health

Many Americans are struggling financially, with a large number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck and others having to borrow to make ends meet. Americans who grew up in a home with parents who struggled my repeat their parents’ mistakes because they don’t understand the important parts of being financially healthy. As you work to improve your finances, focus on mastering these key areas. Spend less than you make. When your monthly expenses are greater than...
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  2029 Hits
2029 Hits

7 Ways to Handle a Delay in Pay

Temporary layoffs can happen when you least expect and with no warning from your employer. Worse, you may not know how long the layoff will last and when your pay will start again. Staying on top of your finances can be difficult when there’s a delay in your pay. Here are some tips for staying on track until the layoff is over. Take advantage of your emergency fund. A delay in pay is the exact kind of situation...
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  1812 Hits
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This is great information especially what is going on right now. I hope government employees get paid immediately.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:29
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What To Do If You're Upside Down in a Car Loan

  In the ideal car buying scenario, the value of your car would always exceed your outstanding loan balance. However, sometimes the opposite can happen and you owe more on your car than your car is actually worth - a situation that's referred to as being upside down on your loan. For example, if your outstanding loan balance is $17,000 and your car is valued at $12,000, then you’re upside down. If you wanted to sell...
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Has anyone been in this situation before? Given how fast cars depreciate, I would expect this to happen a lot.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:25
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7 Best Ways to Spend a Year-End Bonus

Many employers pay a year-end bonus as a reward to employees for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. After laboring all year long, most people think about splurging the bonus, but there may be some better ways to put the money to good use. Put it aside for taxes. After it’s added to the salary you earned throughout the year, a year-end bonus may push you into a new tax bracket. You could end...
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  1906 Hits
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I can tell you I am saving my bonus this year!
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:10
1906 Hits
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5 Risks of Using Credit Cards

  Credit cards are a type of financial product that lets you borrow money against a credit limit. You’re responsible for repaying all the transactions you make, either by paying all at once or by making minimum monthly payments toward your outstanding balance. While credit cards offer several benefits, like the ability to finance large purchases or earn rewards on your transactions, they also come with a certain amount of risks that you should be aware...
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  3980 Hits
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This post hits it right on. Will add that of late, financial providers are looking closely at how many new accounts you open in a ... Read More
Saturday, 29 December 2018 06:38
While I agree these are all risks, there are also so many benefits of using credit cards if you use them in the right way. As long... Read More
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:09
3980 Hits

FDIC vs. SIPC Insurance: What's the Difference

When you’re looking for a safe place to put your cash and possibly earn some interest, it’s important to make sure you understand the type of coverage your account comes with. FDIC and SIPC are two types of coverage that many financial institutions and brokerages offer to their customers. Banks are typically covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC. Funds in checking, savings accounts, CDs, and money market accounts are insured up to $250,000...
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  7053 Hits
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Very interesting! Did not know or understand the differences which are quite large. Thanks!
Tuesday, 25 December 2018 06:10
I never knew the major difference either! Thanks for the great information!
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:52
7053 Hits

When Your Credit Report is Missing Information

When you’re checking your credit report, one of the things to watch for is that all your information is complete and accurate. But, if you notice an account missing from your credit report, you could be concerned, especially if it’s an account with a positive payment. These are a few explanations for why an account could be missing from your credit report and what you can do about it. The account is new and the creditor...
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I always recommend to call the credit agency and try to get a better understanding of why there may be information missing. They c... Read More
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:49
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5 Ways to Spot Online Loan Scams

The world of online lending makes it much easier to get funding for home improvements, debt consolidation, medical bills, or other financial needs. It’s also easier for scammers to trick unsuspecting consumers. Scammers can pose as legitimate lenders and trick you into paying for a loan upfront. Or, they can lock you into loans with higher interest rates and fees than you actually qualify for. Be on the lookout for both of these when you’re looking...
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There are so many scammers online, I always try to double and triple check when possible.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:45
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Perks of Using a Digital Wallet for Purchases

One of the features that comes with today’s smartphones is the ability to use your phone for payments rather than swiping your credit cards. The latest smartphones come equipped with a technology known as Near Field Communication, or NFC, which can transmit certain information when the phone is near an NFC-equipped reader. In the case of payments, your phone can securely send your payment information when it’s placed near a credit card terminal. Some smartwatches even...
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  2650 Hits
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To add Samsung Smart Phones have a good following on their Smart Phone Pay System. And, another option that is just being reintrod... Read More
Saturday, 01 December 2018 05:07
Great information here! I may start using this in 2019.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:45
2650 Hits

What a New Application Means for Your Credit Score

  Any time you make an application that requires a credit check, an inquiry is added to your credit report. These inquiries are factored into your credit score for the next 12 months, which means each application has the potential to hurt your credit score for up to a year. Inquiries vs. Other Credit Score Factors Inquiries only make up a small percentage of your credit score - 10 percent to be exact, so you probably...
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  1936 Hits
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Every time I get approved for a new credit card or loan, I would say my credit score declines 40-50 points. It usually takes me 6-... Read More
Sunday, 25 November 2018 16:39
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