Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

What is the Difference Between a Bear Market and a Bull Market

I am sure everyone is watching the stock market very closely. As you hear a lot of terms out there on what kind of market we are in, a lot of financial commentators are stating the bull market is over and now we are in a bear market. A lot of people have asked me, what exactly does that mean? Below is a high level overview of the differences between a bull and bear market. Please...
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Good points to raise our awareness. Remembering back to 2008 when the Dow was around 8500. We are heading that direction. A shake ... Read More
Sunday, 22 March 2020 03:04
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Understanding Stock Market Circuit Breakers

You might have seen during the last few weeks people have mentioned the stock market decline triggered the circuit-breaker, but you might have no idea what that means. Given how important they are, I wanted to provide a high-level overview. Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to share in the comments section if you think they are a good idea. Circuit-breaker points represent the thresholds at which trading is halted...
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3213 Hits

Recent Stock Market Volatility

Wall Street cannot be calmed down when it comes to the coronavirus. In case you haven’t been watching over the last few weeks, I want to highlight the recent stock market volatility to you. Please feel free to ask any follow up questions in the comments section. Today the Dow Jones Industrial Average finished at 20,180 points, which are just slightly above where they we in January 2016. All major U.S. indices are now in a...
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2971 Hits

What is a Run on the Bank?

These are very unique times, and I hope everyone is staying safe. I will be posting several articles on the recent volatility out there including an overview of the recent stock market declines, what the Fed is doing to try and stop it, and a few similar articles over the next few days. I wanted my first article to be an overview of what is a run on the bank and what kind of impact it...
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Scary article but one that certainly may fit the times. Would add that from where I sit it may be wise to have a cash nest egg hid... Read More
Monday, 23 March 2020 04:33
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How to Save Money When you Have a Young Child

When it comes to planning for your first baby, it’s hard to find a balance between being budget conscious and feeling as though you are prepared for anything and everything your new baby may need. Here are three lessons (and huge cost-saving tips) that I have learned along the way.    1.     Choose items that will grow along with your child. When it comes to car seats, there are two options: an infant seat, or “bucket”...
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Good reference Blog on the "how to" in keeping financially grounded while experiencing a major change to one's life style!
Saturday, 07 March 2020 04:01
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Is College Education Still Worth the Investment

In today’s environment with rising education expenses, some are asking the question of if a college education is still worth the investment. Every parent wants to do the most that they can to set their child up for success, but many are beginning to ask the questions. Below I have outlined some benefits and why people are asking the question to give you a better perspective of deciding if a college education is worth it.  Benefits...
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This does open the door to thinking about the future. Some options is to find a two year school (local to reduce costs) for the Ge... Read More
Tuesday, 07 January 2020 03:48
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How to Properly Track your Investment Portfolio

Many investors have their investments spread across multiple accounts and it can be difficult to properly track the value of your overall portfolio. Your investment portfolio includes 401(k)s, IRAs, and investment accounts with multiple brokerage accounts. You could try to go to multiple websites and gather all of the performance yourself. However, sometimes that is not efficient, so I wanted to walk through a few ways to efficiently track your investment portfolio. Please comment if you...
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Did not know there were simple tools to use in keeping an eye on a our investment portfolios. Do it on an Excel Spreadsheet and it... Read More
Wednesday, 18 December 2019 16:42
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How to Give Kids an Allowance

I am now honored to be a parent, and the subject of allowances has entered into the discussion. The subject of children’s allowances can get surprisingly contentious. Some parents have very strong opinions about the topic. I did some research and found some helpful tips that I thought I would share. The purpose of an allowance: An allowance enables a child to experience money and how to manage money. You can teach your kids the concept...
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  3223 Hits
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Great information! In truth I did not know how to look at the subject. You explained it and ways to utilize it as a learning tool ... Read More
Wednesday, 18 December 2019 16:40
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Budget Friendly Gift Ideas for Friends

Every year, I make it a goal to have my holiday shopping completed before the holidays actually hit. Planning ahead for holiday gifts can not only help you to save on stress, but save on cash as well. Here are a few budget-friendly holiday gift ideas. An Amazon gift card: Warehouse stores, such as Costco and Sam's Club, sell gift cards for less than their face value. You can also often find bulk packs of gift...
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2532 Hits

Daily Habits of Frugal People

Some people can be very frugal. In certain economic environments frugality is very important and can help you save money or survive in an economic downturn. Frugality is more than just clipping coupons. Being frugal is about aiming to get the most value from life's resources, including stretching your budget to its fullest potential. In working toward achieving that value, frugal people tend to adopt a wide range of daily habits. Below are the habits I...
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2547 Hits