Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Family Vacations on a Budget - Go Camping Part 2

Family Vacations on a Budget - Go Camping Part 2
This article is the second in a two-part series. Camping is a great alternative for the budget-conscious family vacation! Other benefits to camping compared to traditional flying/lodging/dining vacations: You travel with your own stuff, instead of renting a bed someone else slept in. There's nothing worse on vacation than reserving high-priced lodging because it seems nice on the website, only to get there and find that it doesn't look or smell clean - if you're travelling...
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  2979 Hits
2979 Hits

Family Vacations on a Budget - Go Camping

Family Vacations on a Budget - Go Camping
Vacations are time to bond, have fun with your family and friends, see new sites, and take a breather from real life. But the financial woes of the past couple of years have really got consumers thinking about more cost effective ways to get the same result in various aspects of their lives, and the family vacation is one area where we can easily spend a lot of money if we're not careful. The majority of...
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  3175 Hits
3175 Hits

10 Habits of a Budget Conscious Shopper

10 Habits of a Budget Conscious Shopper
Spending less and saving more is a goal for many American consumers. But the problem is that we keep on consuming, and a few bad habits can add up to thousands of dollars in wasted money over the years. So how do we go about developing good spending habits? Let's take a look at ten habits of a budget-conscious shopper. 1. Set a budget You can't be budget-conscious without having a budget. A budget is an...
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  5287 Hits
5287 Hits

Using Wi-Fi Hotspots Safely

Using Wi-Fi Hotspots Safely
Establishments that offer a wireless internet connection are often bustling with customers who want to use their laptops, netbooks, and smartphones while taking their lunch break. Wi-Fi Hotspots will only continue to gain popularity with busy consumers looking to stay connected on the go. While very convenient, these public Wi-Fi networks are often not secure, potentially putting your sensitive personal information at risk. It’s safest to only send personal information that is encrypted through either a...
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3052 Hits

Save on Groceries - Grow a Garden

Save on Groceries - Grow a Garden
While saving money often means settling for less than the best, with growing your own produce it’s a different story. Planting a garden often allows you to get the freshest fruits and vegetables for the lowest cost possible. And with spring arriving, the time is now. Better produce As a home gardener you can choose varieties known for their outstanding flavor or unique colors rather than settling for the varieties at the grocer’s, which farmers choose...
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  3352 Hits
3352 Hits

NDYL, Part 3: To Err is Human; to Budget, Divine

Budgeting is actually pretty simple. Just use the math you learned in elementary school and don’t spend more than you have. Really, it’s not brain surgery. It just feels like it sometimes. Add an uncooperative spouse into the equation and you might feel like volunteering to get a lobotomy. Hello again, budgeting allies! How are you all doing? Got your SMART goals in place? Budgets nailed down? Have you been hanging on the edge of your...
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  3393 Hits
3393 Hits

Landscaping for Less

Landscaping for Less
It’s planting time across many parts of the country, and you may be looking at your yard with big plans for lush gardens and pretty flowers. But don’t let your annual landscaping bill get the best of you, save a few bucks here and there with these cost-cutting tips. Buy smaller plants Starting with small plants saves money - and you’ll also have a smaller hole to dig so planting them will be easier, too. Annuals...
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  3308 Hits
3308 Hits

Top Ways to Reduce Wasteful Spending

Top Ways to Reduce Wasteful Spending
When you reduce wasteful spending, you will soon find yourself living a better financial life. After all, you will have more money for the things that really matter. Of course, there is one major problem with this: before you can reduce wasteful spending you need to identify what has gone wrong. This is easier said than done. Here are three techniques to implement: 1. Set and follow a strict budget. This may not be fun. This...
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  4704 Hits
4704 Hits

How a Flexible Work Schedule can Save you Money

How a Flexible Work Schedule can Save you Money
It goes without saying that you spend a good portion of your week at work. While there is nothing wrong with working hard to make a living, it is also important to remember there are other areas of your life that deserve just as much attention. More and more companies are offering a flexible work schedule. As a result, employees feel better about their job. Furthermore, there are ways that this can help workers save money....
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3241 Hits

Is it Time for a New Job? Money may Dictate a Change

Is it Time for a New Job? Money may Dictate a Change
At some point, you may look at your career path and wonder what is going on. Maybe you enjoy your job. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you are ready to make a change. Maybe you are too scared to search for a new position. Anybody considering a change has a good reason for doing so. For many, this is a direct result of their salary. They realize now is the time to earn more money, so they...
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  3899 Hits
3899 Hits