Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Look for These Features in a Student Credit Card

Look for These Features in a Student Credit Card
As a college student or parent of a college student, you’re faced with many important financial decisions. At some point, you may begin to ponder the pros and cons of a student credit card. While there are definite concerns about this opportunity, including getting in over your head, there are a variety of benefits as well. The primary benefit is the ability to receive a financial education on how to use a credit card to improve...
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I agree, these are great and have a huge benefit to young people. It is a great way to begin building credit.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:23
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Don’t Make These Job Search Mistakes in 2017

Don’t Make These Job Search Mistakes in 2017
There are many ways to search for a new job in 2017. There are also many mistakes you can make that will stop you dead in your tracks. Here are five mistakes to avoid at all costs: 1. Applying to Every Open Position No matter how interested you are in finding a new job, don’t slip into the trap of applying for every open position you come across. Not only is this a waste of time...
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I would research what kind of job/career you want before you being your search. Put together a list of qualities and jobs you woul... Read More
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:22
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Steps to Take if You Lose Your Credit Card

Steps to Take if You Lose Your Credit Card
When it comes to your money, there aren’t many things more frightening than losing a credit card. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to take a couple key steps. By knowing what you should and should not do, you can move forward in the appropriate manner as to avoid additional stress. Even if your credit card company has a zero-liability policy, it doesn’t mean you should sit around and take your time before...
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Good information and the part about acting fast and getting your lender involved early to minimize the dangers of a lost or stolen... Read More
Tuesday, 10 January 2017 09:56
I lost my wallet with several credit cards. The credit cards companies were easy to work with and it was simple to get new ones de... Read More
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:20
4546 Hits

What to Do When Your Bills Keep Going Up

What to Do When Your Bills Keep Going Up
It feels like certain bills go up every year, but when your income doesn’t increase at the same rate, it can be stressful trying to juggle bills and make ends meet. It may take more than one strategy to continue to make your finances work. Make sure you’re not being overcharged. Many of us glance over our billing statements and simply pay the amount due. With so many bills due each month, it’s hard to pay...
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This usually happens to everyone at some point, including me. I tried to cut out all discretionary spending until I was caught up ... Read More
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:28
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7 Tips to Overcome Your Obstacles to Saving

7 Tips to Overcome Your Obstacles to Saving
Knowing the benefits of saving money doesn’t make it any easier to keep up a regular savings habit. From not having enough money to unexpected expenses, there are always things that keep you from saving. Reach your savings goals means knowing how to get around hurdles. Here are some tips for overcoming obstacles for saving money. Prepare for short-term expenses. Urgent, short-term expenses can distract you from long-term savings goals. You must figure out a way to...
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I would add: (1) start small (2) be organized (3) review and track your spending and saving each month.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:18
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3 Steps to Take Before Starting a Business in 2017

3 Steps to Take Before Starting a Business in 2017
There is no better feeling than the start of a new year. Once the calendar turns, you’ll feel like there’s nothing you can’t do. Are you intrigued by the idea of starting a business in 2017? If you find yourself thinking about this, here are three important steps to take in the near future: 1. Answer Key Questions What are you trying to accomplish with your new business? What reasons do you have to believe that...
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(1) Talk about the idea with mentors or family members (2) Do as much research as you can before investing money (3) Create a busi... Read More
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:17
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3 Tips for Effectively Managing Your First Credit Card

3 Tips for Effectively Managing Your First Credit Card
Are you in the process of applying for your first credit card? Do you already have this in hand? If you find yourself in either position, it’s important to take a step back and realize that your financial life is about to change. There is no denying the many high level benefits associated with carrying a credit card. For example, you can use this to more easily make large purchases. Not to mention the fact that...
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(1) Don't be afraid to call the credit card company to make sure you understand the fees, rates, payment date etc. (2) Be over-org... Read More
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:16
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How to Handle Holiday Debt in the New Year

How to Handle Holiday Debt in the New Year
You gave it your best effort, but when the holiday season finally came to an end you realized one thing to be true: you took on debt. This can come in many forms, including but not limited to credit card debt and store credit card debt. As the calendar turns to the new year, you’ll find that this debt isn’t going away on its own. Just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean that your debt...
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Luckily, I was able to avoid any debt in the holiday season. I contribute this to making a detailed budget and I did not overspend... Read More
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:13
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Steps to Take to Purchase a Car Online

Steps to Take to Purchase a Car Online
Let’s face it: the traditional car buying experience is anything but enjoyable. Sure, you’re excited about purchasing a new car, but that doesn’t mean you’ll have a good time from start to finish. Fortunately, with the help of the internet, you can save yourself a lot of time and unnecessary stress. If you’re interested in completing the entire process (or most of it) online, here are some steps to take: 1. Do Your Homework Even though...
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I would recommend to test drive the car in person. You don't need to purchase it in person, but driving the car yourself is import... Read More
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:12
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7 Reasons to Use Your Bank's Mobile App

7 Reasons to Use Your Bank's Mobile App
Thanks to innovation with mobile applications, you manage your bank account with convenience and ease without ever having to visit a bank branch again. Check out just a few things you can do when you download your bank's mobile app to your smartphone or tablet. Check your balance and account history. If you have a smartphone with data access, there’s no reason you shouldn’t know your bank account. You can simply tap your mobile banking app, enter...
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I get checks now and then, and hate to go to the bank. I use my mobile app for all of the check deposits. It is great!
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 17:11
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