Super Finance Glossary


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Market Analysis
Definition: An analysis of technical corporate and market data used to predict movements in the market.
Market Break
Definition: See: Break
Market Capitalization
Definition: The total dollar value of all outstanding shares. Computed as shares times current market price. Capitalization is a measure of corporate size.
Market Capitalization Rate
Definition: Expected return on a security. The market-consensus estimate of the appropriate discount rate for a firm's cash flow.
Market Check
Definition: An investigation typically conducted by an investment banking firm, on behalf of a target's Board of Directors (or Special Committee) as part of a process to determine whether a proposed price for the target (or its assets) is fair.
Market Clearing
Definition: Total demand for loans by borrowers equals total supply of loans from lenders. The market, any market, clears at the equilibrium rate of interest or price.
Market Conversion Price
Definition: Also called conversion parity price, the price that an investor effectively pays for common stock by purchasing a convertible security and then exercising the conversion option. This price is equal to the market price of the convertible security divided by the conversion ratio.
Market Correction
Definition: A relatively short-term drop in stock market prices, generally viewed as bringing overpriced stocks back to a level closer to companies' actual values.
Market Cycle
Definition: The period between the two latest highs or lows of the S&P 500, showing net performance of a fund through both an up and a down market. A market cycle is complete when the S&P is 15% below the highest point or 15% above the lowest point (ending a down market).
Market Discipline
Definition: The forces in a free market (without the influence of government regulation) which tend to control and limit the riskiness of a financial institution's investment and lending activities. Such forces include the concern of depositors for the safety of their deposits and the concern of bank investors for the safety and soundness of their institutions.
Market Economy
Definition: An economic system based on private enterprise that rests upon three basic freedoms: freedom of the consumer to choose among competing products and services, freedom of the producer to start or expand a business, and freedom of the worker to choose a job and employer.
Market Eye
Definition: A financial information service based in the U.K. sponsored by the ISE (International Stock Exchange of the UK and the Republic of Ireland) that provides current market and statistical information.
Market Failure
Definition: The inability of arm's length markets to deliverer goods or services. A multinational corporation's market internalization advantages may take advantage of market failure.
Market Impact Costs
Definition: The result of a bid/ask spread and a dealer's price concession. Also called price impact costs.
Market Index
Definition: Market measure that consists of weighted values of the components that make up certain list of companies. A stock market tracks the performance of certain stocks by weighting them according to their prices and the number of outstanding shares by a particular formula.
Market Interest Rate
Definition: Rates of interest paid on deposits and other investments, determined by the interaction of the supply of and demand for funds in the money market.
Market Internalization Advantages
Definition: Conditions that allow a corporation to exploit the failure of an arm's length market to deliver goods or services efficiently.
Market Jitters
Definition: Anxiety among many investors, causing them to sell stocks and bonds, pushing prices down.
Market Letter
Definition: A newsletter analyzing the market that is written by an SEC-registered investment adviser who sells the letter to subscribers. See: Hulbert Rating.
Market Maker
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. One who maintains firm bid and offer prices in a given security by standing ready to buy or sell round lots at publicly quoted prices. See: Agent, dealer, specialist.