Super Finance Glossary


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Browsing by the letter "F"

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Definition: Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that the issues is a foreign company.
F.O.B. (Free On Board)
Definition: Indicates that all delivery, inspection and elevation, or loading costs involved in putting commodities on board a carrier have been paid.
FAB (Five Against Bond) Spread
Definition: A futures spread trade involving the buying (selling) of a five-year Treasury note futures contract and the selling (buying) of a long-term (15-30 year) Treasury bond futures contract.
Face Value
Definition: See: Par value
Face-amount Certificate
Definition: A debt security issued by face amount. The holder makes payments periodically to the issues, and the issuer promises to pay the purchaser the face value at maturity or the surrendered value if the security is presented by the maturity specified in the certificate.
Definition: The process of providing a market for a security. Normally, this refers to bids and offers made for large blocks of securities, such as those traded by institutions. Listed options may be used to offset part of the risk assumed by the trader who is facilitation the large block order. See also: Hedge ratio.
Definition: A financial institution that buys a firm's accounts receivable and collects the accounts.
Factor Analysis
Definition: A statistical procedure that seeks to explain a certain phenomenon, such as the return on a common stock, in terms of the behavior of a set of predictive factors.
Factor Model
Definition: A way of decomposing the forces that influence a security's rate of return into common and firm-specific influences.
Factor Portfolio
Definition: A well-diversified portfolio constructed to have a beta of 1.0 on one factor and a beta of zero on any other factors.
Factor Return
Definition: The return attributable to a particular common factor. We decompose asset returns into a common factor component, based on the asset's exposures to common factors times the factor returns, and a specific return.
Definition: Sale of a firm's accounts receivable to a financial institution known as a factor.
Definition: Refers to over-the-counter trading. Fill another OTC dealer's bid for or offer of stock.
Definition: A deal is said to fail if on the settlement date either the seller does not deliver securities in proper form or the buyer does not to deliver funds in proper form.
Definition: The closing of a financial institution by its chartering authority, which rescinds the institution's charter and revokes its ability to conduct business because the institution is insolvent, critically undercapitalized, or unable to meet deposit outflows.
Fair Game
Definition: An investment prospect that has a zero risk premium.
Fair Market Price
Definition: Amount at which an asset would change hands between two parties, that both have knowledge of the relevant facts. Also referred to as market price.
Fair Price
Definition: The equilibrium price for futures contracts. Also called the theoretical futures price, which equals the spot price continuously compounded at the cost of carry rate for some time interval. In the context of corporate goverance, Fair-Price provisions limit the range of prices a bidder can pay in two-tier offers. They typically require a bidder to pay to all shareholders the highest price paid to any during a specified period of time before the commencement of a tender offer and do not apply if the deal is approved by the board of directors or a supermajority of the target's shareholders. The goal of this provision is to prevent pressure on the target's shareholders to tender their shares in the front end of a two-tiered tender offer, and they have the result of making such and acquisition more expensive. A majority of states have fair price laws.