Super Finance Glossary
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Definition: Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying the issue has no voting rights.
Definition: Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying the issue has no voting rights.
Definition: South African gold mining shares that trade on the London Stock Exchange.
Definition: South African gold mining shares that trade on the London Stock Exchange.
Kansas City Board Of Trade (KCBT)
Definition: The U.S.-based futures and options exchange for no. 2 red wheat futures and, options, Value Line Index futures and Mini Value Line futures and options.
Definition: The U.S.-based futures and options exchange for no. 2 red wheat futures and, options, Value Line Index futures and Mini Value Line futures and options.
Definition: The ratio of the dollar price change in the price of an option to a 1% change in the expected volatility.
Definition: The ratio of the dollar price change in the price of an option to a 1% change in the expected volatility.
Definition: A network of Japanese companies organized around a major bank. The term is also used outside of Japan to describe how a large corporation with many subsidiaries and associated firms can manipulate revenues. For example, firm A and B are controlled by firm C. Firm A is forced to buy its input from firm B at a high price. As a result, A is unprofitable and B is very profitable.
Definition: A network of Japanese companies organized around a major bank. The term is also used outside of Japan to describe how a large corporation with many subsidiaries and associated firms can manipulate revenues. For example, firm A and B are controlled by firm C. Firm A is forced to buy its input from firm B at a high price. As a result, A is unprofitable and B is very profitable.
Keogh Plan
Definition: A type of pension account in which taxes are deferred. Available to those who are self-employed.
Definition: A type of pension account in which taxes are deferred. Available to those who are self-employed.
Key Man (or Woman) Insurance
Definition: A life insurance policy purchased by a company to insure the life of a key executive. The company is the beneficiary in case of the executive's death.
Definition: A life insurance policy purchased by a company to insure the life of a key executive. The company is the beneficiary in case of the executive's death.
Keynesian Economics
Definition: An economic theory of British economist, John Maynard Keynes that active government intervention is necessary to ensure economic growth and stability.
Definition: An economic theory of British economist, John Maynard Keynes that active government intervention is necessary to ensure economic growth and stability.