Super Finance Glossary


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Definition: The interim holding period from the time of the closing of a loan to its subsequent marketing to capital market investors.
Definition: A security entitling the holder to buy a proportionate amount of stock at some specified future date at a specified price, usually one higher than current market price. Warrants are traded as securities whose price reflects the value of the underlying stock. Corporations often bundle warrants with another class of security to enhance the marketability of the other class. Warrants are like call options, but with much longer time spans-sometimes years. And, warrants are offered by corporations, while exchange-traded call options are not issued by firms.
Warrant Or Warehouse Receipt For Metals
Definition: Certificate of physical deposit, which gives title to physical metal in an exchange-approved warehouse.
Definition: A guarantee by a seller to a buyer that if a product requires repair or remedy of a problem within a certain period after its purchase, the seller will repair the problem at no cost to the buyer.
Warsaw Stock Exchange
Definition: The major securities market of Poland.
Definition: Gains equal losses.
Wash Sale
Definition: Purchase and sale of a security either simultaneously or within a short period of time, often in order to recognize a tax loss without altering one's position. See: Tax selling.
Wash Trading
Definition: Entering into, or purporting to enter into, transactions to give the appearance that purchases and sales have been made, without incurring market risk or changing the trader's market position. The Commodity Exchange Act prohibits wash trading. Also called Round Trip Trading, Wash Sales.
Wasting Asset
Definition: An asset that has a limited life and thus decreases in value (depreciates) over time. Also applies to consumed assets, such as oil or gas, and termed "depletion."
Watch List
Definition: A list of securities selected for special surveillance by a brokerage, exchange, or regulatory organization; firms on the list are often takeover targets, companies planning to issue new securities, or stocks showing unusual activity.
Watered Stock
Definition: A stock representing ownership in a corporation that is worth less than the actual invested capital, resulting in problems of low liquidity, inadequate return on investment, and low market value.
Definition: A document (that looks like a bill of lading) issued by a carrier that describes the goods to be transported and that details the shipping particulars. Waybills are issued by both air carriers (air waybills) and ship lines (sea waybills). They merely indicate that the stated goods were received by the carrier for transport, they do not convey title.
Weak Dollar
Definition: A depreciated dollar with respect to other currencies, meaning that more dollars are needed to buy a unit of foreign currency. Antithesis of strong dollar.
Weak Hands
Definition: When used in connection with delivery of commodities on futures contracts, the term usually means that the party probably does not intend to retain ownership of the commodity; when used in connection with futures positions, the term usually means positions held by small speculators.
Weak Market
Definition: A market with few buyers and many sellers and a declining trend in prices.
Weak-form Efficiency
Definition: A pricing theory that the price of a security reflects the past price and trading history of the security. Theory implies that security prices follow a random walk. Related: Semistrong-form efficiency, strong-form efficiency.
Weather Derivative
Definition: A derivative whose payoff is based on a specified weather event, for example, the average temperature in Chicago in January. Such a derivative can be used to hedge risks related to the demand for heating fuel or electricity.
Definition: A chart pattern composed of two converging lines connecting peaks and troughs. In the case of falling wedges, the pattern indicates temporary interruptions of upward price rallies. In the case of rising wedges, indicates interruptions of a falling price trend.
Weekend Effect
Definition: The common recurrent low or negative average return from Friday to Monday in the stock market.