Super Finance Glossary


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Quick Assets
Definition: Current assets minus inventories.
Quick Ratio
Definition: Indicator of a company's financial strength (or weakness). Calculated by taking current assets less inventories, divided by current liabilities. This ratio provides information regarding the firm's liquidity and ability to meet its obligations. Also called the Acid test ratio.
Quid Pro Quo
Definition: An arrangement allowing a firm to use research from another firm at no cost in exchange for executing all of its trades with the firm that provides the research.
Quiet Period
Definition: Time period an issuer is "in registration" with the SEC and may not promote its forthcoming issue.
Definition: The minimum number of people who must be present or must provide a proxy to vote at a meeting in order to make a valid decision.
Definition: See Import Quota
Definition: Highest bid and lowest offer (asked) price currently available on a security or a commodity.
Quotation Board
Definition: The electronic board at a brokerage firm displaying prices other financial data.
Quote Rule
Definition: Rule requiring market makers to publish quotations for any listed security when a quotation represents more than 1% of the aggregate trading volume for that security.
Quoted Price
Definition: The price at which the last trade of a particular security or commodity took place.