Super Finance Glossary


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Passive Investing
Definition: Putting money into a profitable business opportunity that is deemed passive by the IRS and thus benefits from tax deductions.
Passive Investment Management
Definition: Buying a well diversified portfolio to represent a broad-based market index without attempting to search out mispriced securities.
Passive Portfolio
Definition: A market index portfolio.
Passive Portfolio Strategy
Definition: A strategy that involves minimal expectational input, and instead relies on diversification to match the performance of some market index. A passive strategy assumes that the marketplace will reflect all available information in the price paid for securities, and therefore, does not attempt to find mispriced securities. Related: Active portfolio strategy.
Definition: The exclusive right to use documented intellectual property in producing or selling a particular product or using a process for a designated period of time.
Path Dependent Option
Definition: An option whose valuation and payoff depends on the realized price path of the underlying asset, such as an Asian option or a Lookback option.
Path-dependent Option
Definition: An option whose value depends on the sequence of prices of the underlying asset rather than just the final price of the asset.
Definition: A technical chart formation used to make market predictions by following the price movements of securities.
Pay-as-you-go Basis
Definition: A method of paying income tax in which the employer deducts a portion of an employee's monthly salary to remit to the IRS.
Definition: In a Treasury refunding, the amount by which the par value of the securities maturing exceeds that of those sold. In the context of general equities, paying a lower price in an accumulation of stock. Antithesis of pay-up.
Definition: Attempts by municipal bond underwriting businesses to gain influence with political officials who decide which underwriters are awarded the municipality's business.
Definition: The loss of cash resulting from a swap into higher-priced bonds or the need/willingness of a bank or other borrower to pay a higher rate of interest to get funds. Used in the context of general equities. (1) When an investor who wants to buy a stock at a particular price hesitates and the stock begins to rise; instead of letting the stock go, he "pays up" to buy the shares at the higher prevailing price. (2) Buy shares in a high-quality company at what is felt to be a high, but supportable, price due to its quality.
Definition: A shorthand method of referring to the payment of a loss (pay) and receipt of a gain (collect) by a clearing member to or from a clearing organization that occurs after a futures position has been marked-to-market. See Variation Margin.
Payable Date
Definition: The date when dividends or capital gains are paid to shareholders or reinvested in additional shares.
Payable Through Drafts
Definition: A method of making payment that is used to maintain control over payments made on behalf of the firm by personnel in noncentral locations. The payer's bank delivers the payable through draft to the payer, which must approve it and return it to the bank before payment can be received.
Definition: Related: Accounts payable
Definition: The length of time it takes to recover the initial cost of a project, without regard to the time value of money.
Definition: A person receiving payment through any form of money transfer method.