Super Finance Glossary


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Browsing by the letter "G"

Displaying next 80 results of 238
Ginzy Trading
Definition: A non-competitive trade practice in which a floor broker, in executing an order—particularly a large order—will fill a portion of the order at one price and the remainder of the order at another price to avoid an exchange's rule against trading at fractional increments or "split ticks."
Give Up
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. (1) Term used in a securities transaction involving three brokers, as follows: Broker A, a floor broker, executes a buy order for broker B (a member firm broker who has too much business at the time to execute the order). The broker with whom broker A completes the transaction (the sell-side broker) is broker C. Broker A "gives up" the name of broker B, so that the record shows a transaction between broker B and broker C even though the trade is actually executed between broker A and broker C; (2) distribution of commissions to brokerage houses not participating in a trade. This is a grey area of the law governing reimbursement of a broker for services (e.g., research). See: Directed brokerage.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for GREENLAND.
Glamor Stock
Definition: A popular stock characterized by high earnings growth rate and a price that rise is faster than the market average in a bull market.
Glass-Steagall Act
Definition: 1933 legislation prohibiting commercial banks to own, underwrite, or deal in corporate stock and corporate bonds.
Global Bonds
Definition: Bonds designed to qualify for immediate trading in any domestic capital market and in the Euromarket.
Global Depository Receipt
Definition: A receipt denoting ownership of foreign-based corporation stock shares which are traded in numerous capital markets around the world.
Global Fund
Definition: A mutual fund that can invest anywhere in the world, including the U.S.
Definition: Tendency toward a worldwide investment environment, and the integration of national capital markets. 
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for GAMBIA.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for GUINEA.
GNMA Midget
Definition: A GNMA pass-through certificate backed by fixed-rate mortgages with a 15-year maturity. GNMA Midget is a dealer term and is not used by GNMA in the formal description of its programs.
Definition: Mortgage-backed securities (M.B.S.) on which registered holders receive separate principal and interest payments on each of their certificates, usually directly from the servicer of the M.B.S. pool. GNMA-I mortgage-backed securities are single-issuer pools.
Definition: Mortgage-backed securities (M.B.S.) on which registered holders receive an aggregate principal and interest payment from a central paying agent on all their certificates. Principal and interest payments are disbursed on the 20th day of the month. GNMA-II M.B.S. are backed by multiple-issuer pools or custom pools (one issuer but different interest rates that may vary within one percentage point). Multiple-issuer pools are known as "jumbos." Jumbo pools are generally longer and offer certain mortgages that are more geographically diverse than single-issuer pools. Jumbo pool mortgage interest rates may vary within one percentage point.
Definition: Freddie Mac's 15-year fixed-rate pass-through securities issued under its cash program.
Definition: See: Gross National Product
Go Along
Definition: Used for listed equity securities. Buy or sell at prices that randomly occur on the floor, participating in what trades the specialist and other players will allow.
Go Around
Definition: Describes the N.Y. Federal Reserve Bank's trading desk practice of communicating with primary dealers to establish a market of bids and offers on behalf of the Federal Open Market Committee.
Go To
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Sell insurance ("we've got 50 IBM to go".).