Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Frugal Fitness

Getting fit can cost a fortune, at least if you attempt to follow in the steps of the rich and famous.You may not be able to afford a personal trainer and diet counselor, and even the cost of a gym membership may be pushing it. Home gym equipment can also be expensive - and may become another piece of clutter to collect dust if you get bored with it.But it isn’t hard to get fit without...
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  3093 Hits
3093 Hits

Imposter Scams

Imposter scams are growing in popularity among crooks.For the first time, these scams made the top ten list of consumer complaints, according to the 2010 annual report released by the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC warns consumers to be alert to scammers posing as people or organization they know and trust. They may use phone calls, emails, letters, faxes or even text messages in their attempt to trick you out of your money.To avoid falling victim,...
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  2937 Hits
2937 Hits

Simplify and Save - Clothing

It’s not only fun to get new clothes, but wearing a flattering new outfit can do wonders for your attitude. But to keep up with the ever-changing fashion trends can wreck havoc on your credit card balance. Here’s a few tips on how to keep your wardrobe fresh without going into debt over it:Develop your own personal style.You may be a t-shirt and jeans kind of gal or guy, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have...
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  2749 Hits
2749 Hits

Money Saving Fiction

It always feels good to save a buck or two, but some financial habits can end up costing more in the long run. Here’s a look at some habits commonly though of as budget-conscious that can sabotage your money-saving strategy:Clipping couponsThis takes time and effort, adds to paper clutter, and can easily cause you to spend more money than you normally would have without the coupon. The only brands that even offer coupons are the highly-advertised...
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  3422 Hits
3422 Hits

Invest in a Fun Family Activity

It can be easy to laze the days away in front of the TV, but at one point many of us begin to wish we had a gratifying hobby or activity to enjoy. Aimlessly shopping is another way to pass the time, but often we'll eventually come to a realization that we are spending too much money out of boredom, and are being "rewarded" with stuff we really don't need or want - just extra clutter...
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  3103 Hits
3103 Hits

Save $1000 a Year

Saving a buck or two here and there can add up to a significant savings over time. And for food and beverages, certain habits can drastically reduce your expenses over the long term. Here’s a few suggestions for saving money on these necessities:Brew your coffee at home instead of going to the cafe. Whether you buy the convenience store coffee for $2 a cup or the $5 a cup gourmet coffee, brewing it yourself for pennies...
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  2902 Hits
2902 Hits

FTC Warns Consumers to Not Fall Victim to Wire Transfer Scams

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency against fraudulent, deceptive, and abusive business practices, has issued a warning to consumers to not fall prey to various money transfer scams that crooks have been using to steal your money.The scams may start out in a number of ways, but many of them involve asking the consumer to send money by MoneyGram or Western Union, since it is difficult to trace the recipient of the...
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  3048 Hits
3048 Hits

Avoid These Bad Financial Habits

Here's a look at some financial bad habits that can eat into your chance of ever getting ahead.Refund Anticipation Loan (RAL)These types of loans are sometimes offered by tax preparation companies when you expect to receive a tax refund. Here's how it works: You overpay your income tax all year long and find that you are due a refund of your overpayment when you file your return. But instead of waiting for the IRS to process...
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  2875 Hits
2875 Hits

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

There are so many ways to tell Mom this Sunday how much you love and appreciate her, but this year many of us are more budget-conscious than we have been in the past. Here are a few ideas on how to show her that you care without going into debt to do it:Give her a spa day.Every one deserves a little pampering now and then, and every mom would appreciate a massage, a pedicure/manicure or a...
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  3134 Hits
3134 Hits

Beat the Winter Blues Without Spending a Lot of Money

Beat the Winter Blues, Forget the Financial Troubles (at least for a day), and Go Have Some FunIt's that time of year where every one gets a little anxious for winter to be over. We're tired of the cold, wet weather and we're ready to get out and go do something. And this winter's just a bit more dreary than many previous winters. The financial crisis is on every body's mind, and many of us have...
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  3181 Hits
3181 Hits