Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Beware Free Items Tied to Trial Subscriptions

If you’ve ever ordered a “free” credit report or credit score, you’re likely already familiar with trial subscriptions. But, the credit reporting industry isn’t the only place where this scheme is used. Numerous companies bait you into subscribing to their service by offering a free trial. The hope is that you’ll either like the service and continue using it (and of course, paying) or you’ll forget to cancel your trial and still end up paying. Here’s...
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  3105 Hits
3105 Hits

Recover From Overspending

Now that the holidays are over and the dust is settling, you may look at your bank account or check your credit card balance only to realize you spent far more than you intended to. It happens to many people every year and not just around the holiday season. What do you do when you realize you blew your budget? Here are a few suggestions. Assess the damage. Maybe it’s not as bad as you think....
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  3406 Hits
3406 Hits

Financial Resolutions, Not Just for the New Year

There’s something so refreshing and motivating about the beginning of a new year. It’s why people pick this time of year to make major changes to their lifestyles – quit smoking or drinking, lose a few pounds, spend more time with the family, do better at work, stop procrastinating. The list goes on and on. Don’t forget to put a few of your financial bad habits on the list of things to leave in the old...
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  2845 Hits
2845 Hits

A Few Ways That Planning Can Save Money

“Seize the day”, “Live for the moment”, and “You only live one” are feel good quotes that can mislead people into thinking only of today, not for the future. Much of today’s society is built around convenience. Business models and technology makes it easy for you to live in the moment. For example, you don’t have to meals because you can just pick up a microwave dinner or fast food on the way home from work....
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  3038 Hits
3038 Hits

How to Handle a Pay Cut

When a business is struggling, it has to make big changes to keep operating. As opposed to laying off employees, the company may choose to administer pay cuts either to a couple of departments or across the board to all employees.You don’t have to accept a pay cut. However, refusing it may leave you out of a job. Depending on the job market (which is not that promising at the time of this article), it may...
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  3634 Hits
3634 Hits

Six Signs of Financial Trouble

It’s so important to be able to recognize the signs of financial trouble. If you can tell when you’re heading for disaster, you can stop what you’re doing and prevent something terrible from happening. A paycheck to paycheck lifestyle Living paycheck to paycheck can seem ok as long as all your expenses are being paid each month. But it’s like walking on a tight rope: one false move and you could fall to financial ruin. For...
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3134 Hits

5 Questions to Ask Before You Bu

How much thought do you give purchase decisions? Are they deliberate or impulsive? How you spend money, even on the seemingly insignificant day-to-day things, has a big impact on your entire financial life. Have you ever wondered why some of your friends or relatives are always broke, even though they seem to make a lot of money? Or others who don’t have the highest income have fewer money problems? Being financially responsible means thinking through your...
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  3213 Hits
3213 Hits

Don't Let the Holidays Break You or Your Wallet

One of the biggest shopping seasons of the year is just a few days away. Already, stores are advertising Black Friday sales and no doubt the masses will be lined up waiting to take advantage of those elusive, annual deals. And Black Friday is just the kickoff for a four-week shopping frenzy. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype with advertisements all over the place – television, radio, internet, and the stores - and...
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  2938 Hits
2938 Hits

The Downside to Clipping Coupons

The TLC show Extreme Couponing popularized or rather re- popularized couponing habits, inspiring people all over the country to spend hours each week clipping coupons and looking for store deals in an effort to save hundreds of dollars. The show reveals how people are able to spend just a few hundred dollars for sometimes thousands of dollars in groceries and household goods. But, for some people, couponing, especially extreme couponing may not be worth it. Couponing...
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  3606 Hits
3606 Hits

Simplify Your Finances

Complicated finances are difficult to manage and could even be costly. Simplifying your finances might be a much-needed stress reliever. It would also make it much easier to manage your money. Organize your financial documents, getting rid of those that are outdated. In general, you should keep tax-related documents, like returns or W-2 forms, for three years, but you may need to keep certain documents up to six years. You don’t necessarily need to keep bank...
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  2763 Hits
2763 Hits