Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

What is Umbrella Insurance?

What is Umbrella Insurance?
There is a good chance that your car and/or home insurance agent has discussed umbrella insurance with you. While some have purchased this type of coverage, others have put it on the backburner. Before you decide for or against umbrella insurance, it is important to understand what this type of policy offers. Here are the two primary points to keep in mind: •    It provides liability coverage in addition to the limits of your car and...
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  2888 Hits
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Great advice Chris. I have umbrella insurance that I find very useful. I was able to get a great rate as I used the same insurance... Read More
Wednesday, 30 September 2015 12:29
The idea of getting pricing from different companies makes sense. However, insurance companies may not quote unless they are under... Read More
Wednesday, 30 September 2015 19:20
2888 Hits

3 Immediate Questions for Your Car Insurance Agent

3 Immediate Questions for Your Car Insurance Agent
Car insurance is something you need. It is also something you don’t want to think about often. When the time comes to pay your premium, you may realize you have a few questions on your mind. Rather than ignore these, hoping that everything works out if you are in an accident, it is best to consult with your agent to ensure that you have a solid understanding of your coverage. Here are three immediate questions to...
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n regard to question 2, I would add 3 additional “sub” questions that may help you answer if you need more coverage: 1. What does ... Read More
Wednesday, 23 September 2015 09:21
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Home Insurance Factors that Cut the Cost

Home Insurance Factors that Cut the Cost
Are you in the market for a home insurance policy? Are you hoping to obtain comprehensive coverage at a reasonable price? If so, you are in the same boat as millions of other homeowners. The first thing you should do is shop around by requesting quotes from a minimum of three home insurance companies. Once you make sure the coverage is identical, list them out from least expensive to most expensive. From there, consider these additional...
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  2865 Hits
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Hi Chris, Thanks for the great information. I actually wanted to post a question. Do you know the best places/websites to shop ar... Read More
Wednesday, 23 September 2015 09:12
In regard to question 2, I would add 3 additional “sub” questions that may help you answer if you need more coverage: 1. What does... Read More
Wednesday, 23 September 2015 09:20
Hey Frank. Typically, what I advise, is to start with your car insurance company. You may qualify for a multi-policy discount. Fro... Read More
Wednesday, 23 September 2015 09:57
2865 Hits

Don’t Fall Prey to these Life Insurance Mistakes

Don’t Fall Prey to these Life Insurance Mistakes
Buying life insurance is not something you look forward to. Not only does this cost money, but you will have to face the idea that you won’t be around forever. Even though it may not be exciting to purchase a policy, it is often the responsible thing to do. If you must go through this process, you might as well get what you want in the end. To ensure that this happens, you need to avoid...
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  2775 Hits
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Great blog and it reminds us we are vulnerable. Life insurance is a tool that takes care of our remaining obligations upon death s... Read More
Saturday, 08 August 2015 09:45
2775 Hits
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Answer these Questions Before Buying Long Term Care Insurance defines long term care insurance as follows: “Unlike traditional health insurance, long-term care insurance is designed to cover long-term services and supports, including personal and custodial care in a variety of settings such as your home, a community organization, or other facility.” At some point, particularly as you age, you may consider purchasing this type of policy. It is not a decision everybody makes, but it is one that deserves your attention at some point. With...
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  2747 Hits
2747 Hits

What to do if your Home Insurance Policy becomes too Expensive

What to do if your Home Insurance Policy becomes too Expensive
When you first purchase your home insurance policy everything looks good. The price is competitive, and of course, the coverage is just what you need. And then something happens. Your home insurance company sends you a bill and the rate is not what you were expecting. Instead, it is much higher than it was in the past. If your home insurance policy becomes too expensive, there are a few things you can do. Above all else,...
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  3366 Hits
3366 Hits

Are you Familiar with the Benefits of Renters Insurance?

Are you Familiar with the Benefits of Renters Insurance?
As a homeowner, you need to purchase home insurance. As a renter, your approach is a bit different. In this case, you should consider the benefits of renters insurance. You may not be required to purchase renters insurance, but there are more reasons to opt for this than to opt against it. Here are the benefits to keep in mind: 1. Protection from theft. It doesn’t matter if you live in the safest city in the...
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  3321 Hits
3321 Hits

Are you Wasting Time Meeting with an Insurance Agent?

If the time comes to purchase any type of insurance, from car to life to home, you know one thing to be true: you have to receive quotes from multiple companies to ensure that you are getting the best policy your money can buy.In the past, the only way to purchase insurance was to consult with an agent over the phone or in person. While you can still travel down either path, remember this: the internet...
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  3048 Hits
3048 Hits

How to Discuss a Rate Increase with your Car Insurance Agent

When your car insurance bill arrives in the mail (or your inbox), you hope to find a number you can live with. Nobody wants to pay for coverage, but you know this is something you have to do if you plan on driving.If your premium remains the same, one period after the next, it is likely that you will feel comfortable with your current provider. However, if your premium increases, it may be time to pick...
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  3851 Hits
3851 Hits

Three Traits of the Best Car Insurance Agents

Choosing a car insurance agent is no easy task. In addition to searching through many options, you have to do what is best for you from a coverage and cost perspective.Only you know what you are looking for in an agent and company. If you find yourself stuck and unsure of how to make a final decision, focus on the agents that have the following traits:1. Helpful no matter what. There is nothing better than working...
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  3132 Hits
3132 Hits