Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Why You Should Always Pay Your Bills on Time

Why You Should Always Pay Your Bills on Time
Bills. They come each month like clockwork. And like clockwork, we’re supposed to send payment by a specific due date. Companies won’t come to your home and demand payment, but that doesn’t mean that paying late is without consequences. Here are seven reasons you should always pay on time. To avoid late fees. Most companies, and not just credit card companies, will charge a late fee when your payment isn't received by the due date. Late...
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If at all possible never ever pay your bills late. It never helps the situation and there really is no upside. You are ultimately ... Read More
Friday, 22 July 2016 11:26
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Don’t Ignore these Common Credit Report Errors

Don’t Ignore these Common Credit Report Errors
Your credit report should be 100 percent accurate at all times. Unfortunately, as you know, this is not always the case. Since mistakes can and do happen from time to time, you should review your report at least once per year. If you find a credit report error, don’t hesitate to contact the credit bureau in an attempt to get to the bottom of the problem. Here are three of the most common errors: 1. Identity...
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I check my credit report atleast once a year for the items you mentioned above Chris. You can never be too careful today.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 14:02
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3 Reasons to Review Your Credit Report Periodically

3 Reasons to Review Your Credit Report Periodically
When was the last time you reviewed your credit report? If you don’t know the answer, you are long overdue. While this isn’t something you have to obsess over, it’s important to review your credit report periodically. Here are three reasons why you should make this is a habit: 1. Because the information is important. When it comes time to secure a mortgage or car loan, for example, potential lenders will review your credit report. It’s...
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Every person should review their credit score at least once a year. It does not take a long time, and you can find issues you didn... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:59
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Here are 5 of the Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Here are 5 of the Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score
So, you have reviewed your credit score and you don’t like what you see. Before you get too upset, remember this: there are steps you can take to improve your score in the months and years to come. Below are five of the best ways to improve your credit score: 1. Make On Time Payments in the Future For some, this is easier said than done. However, it’s a step you need to take. It’s essential...
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Doing these steps Chris outlined along with time will absolutely help your credit score. Credit Score is hard to change overnight,... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:55
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These 5 Things Don't Affect Your Credit Score

These 5 Things Don't Affect Your Credit Score
Certain aspects of money management are good for your financial health, but have nothing to do with your credit score. Not directly at least. Check out five important parts of your finances that don’t directly affect your credit score. The amount of money you make Your income isn’t one of the primary factors that goes into your credit score. So, whether you make a little money or a lot, your credit score won’t be affected. However,...
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While these many not directly impact your credit score, I certainty believe these indirectly impact your credit score. All of thes... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:50
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How Being Too Busy Can Hurt Your Credit

How Being Too Busy Can Hurt Your Credit
These days it seems like busy is the new black, but your inability to say no can come with side effects beyond being tired and stressed. Leading a busy life can have a negative impact to your credit in ways you never realized. You forget to pay your credit card bills on time. When you’re too busy, deadlines continually come and go. If you’re a busy person, you’ve undoubtedly missed a payment or two because of...
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This is exactly what happened to me at the beginning of this year. I was incredibly busy at work, and I did not keep detailed reco... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:47
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Answer these Questions Before Applying for Any Credit Card

Answer these Questions Before Applying for Any Credit Card
Do you find yourself searching for and learning more about a variety of credit card offers? Before you do anything, such as making a final decision, there are a few key details to address. By answering these questions, you have a better chance of finding and applying for the credit card that best suits your situation: •    What type of credit card is best for you? •    Is your credit good enough to qualify for most...
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These are great first questions to ask yourself and help you think about the process. The process is very important as Chris descr... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:35
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Three Major Signs a Debt Collection is Fake

Three Major Signs a Debt Collection is Fake
  Scammers are continually coming up with new ways to trick consumers out of money. Fake debt collections is a scheme you could easily fall for, if you're not careful. Before you pay a collection you think you owe, use these three tips to be sure the collector isn't a fake. They can’t tell you who the debt is from. All collection accounts have an origin, a company that you used to do business with. If...
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3071 Hits

What to do if Your Credit Score Tanks

What to do if Your Credit Score Tanks
It doesn’t matter what you have done in the past, you never know what will happen to your credit score in the future. Even if you keep a close eye on every move you make, there is always the chance that your score could tank. Remember this: it only takes one mix-up to ding your credit score. At that point, you may find yourself wondering what went wrong. Rather than get down on yourself, rather than...
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I completely agree, if there is nothing you can do to quickly fix the problem, you really need to move on. Implementing an action ... Read More
Wednesday, 03 February 2016 13:51
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Answer these Questions before Borrowing from your 401(k)

Answer these Questions before Borrowing from your 401(k)
Are you in need of a loan? If so, you can go the conventional route and contact a local bank. Just the same, you could turn to your credit card or ask a family member if they are willing to lend you the money. Even with these choices, you may want to consider another: a 401(k) loan. This may not be your preferred method of borrowing, but it is something to consider for many reasons: ·     ...
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