• Posts: 118

Replied by CG101 on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

Amen to that.... And I like your posts too.... they are quite funny lmao....

You honor me, kind sir, and I thank you.
15 years 8 months ago #16
  • Posts: 296

Replied by Brian23 on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

Thanks, Meya. I just want to give back what I learned and hope it helps someone else. If I can help one person with bad credit, I can call it a day. Cause I know in the beginning, I needed it. But if someone is going to just fix "they" stuff and be a scumbag about it (i.e. mess it up all over again), I will call them out quicker than Bisquick. We're supposed to learn from our mistakes, not repeat them.

Amen to that.... And I like your posts too.... they are quite funny lmao....
15 years 8 months ago #17
  • Posts: 118

Replied by CG101 on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

Tell me about it

Thanks, Meya. I just want to give back what I learned and hope it helps someone else. If I can help one person with bad credit, I can call it a day. Cause I know in the beginning, I needed it. But if someone is going to just fix "they" stuff and be a scumbag about it (i.e. mess it up all over again), I will call them out quicker than Bisquick. We're supposed to learn from our mistakes, not repeat them.
15 years 8 months ago #18
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

CLIs are definitely not happening in this current climate. Between the recession, new credit card regs, and the like, we're going into new terrority.

Tell me about it

I been pimpin' the game since they gave me my feathered fedora...lmao).
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I luv to see you post. At least you keep it real!

15 years 8 months ago #19
  • Posts: 118

Replied by CG101 on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

Phase II is now complete. As expected, I did not get a CLI (was shooting for it, but was not going to bet the farm on it). So I asked Barclays to consolidate my limits to my B&N card so I can have an $1100 card. Next month will get me my third $25 gift card (with the second one, I got Dan Brown's third Robert Langdon book on preorder "The Lost Symbol", or for no doubt some of you, the future third Tom Hank's movie in book form...:laugh:) I still have a small balance on that one, as I was able to use an online coupon plus my membership. Barnes and Noble is what's up. I can comfortably pay for my puppy's spay today with one card :).

CLIs are definitely not happening in this current climate. Between the recession, new credit card regs, and the like, we're going into new terrority.

I definitely need a third card ONLY to help handle low util (I don't go more than 10% by reporting time but in between that it's at least 20-30%. I been pimpin' the game since they gave me my feathered fedora...lmao).
15 years 8 months ago #20
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

:white-flag: :white-flag: :white-flag: :white-flag:
15 years 8 months ago #21
  • Posts: 118

Replied by CG101 on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

The thing to remember with Hooters is that they have given a lot of people credit when other banks won't. And for those that did not ge the AF it is still a better card then First Premier Bank of 1st Bank Delaware (Tribute).

You did the right thing. These are rebuilder cards, use them until you can move on and don't expect too much while you are their cardholder.

That's what I did a few months earlier, fired my HSBC $500 card for that exact reason. If I have a card from a real bank that isn't giving me a AF (currently), then why should I stay with Hooters.

I do agree with you on the fact that it is much better to get Hooters than a Tribute or First Premier. Merrick is just between prime and subprime but more leaning toward subprime.

I myself made the mistake of getting a subprime card. I should have just gotten a secured, but I was too proud. Now, with the new credit card regulations, people will have no choice but to get secured. Honestly, it's a much better deal. Paying a $250 fee for a $300 card just so that you can say it's not a secured card is just not wise. I wish I could have bit my pride early in the rebuilding process and gotten the secured card from a reputable bank like BOA first (which I ended up doing anyway, and having $2k of cash sitting doing nothing just so that I can have credit).

I am sure (but not positive) that if the 99/500 deals aren't gone already, they soon will be. I remember people with Fico scores worst than mine getting them, and it just made me angry. Now with my scores and cards, I'm alllllright but will soon be at mid 7s...that's the goal. LOL.
15 years 8 months ago #22
  • Posts: 1257

Replied by ColoNative on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

The thing to remember with Hooters is that they have given a lot of people credit when other banks won't. And for those that did not ge the AF it is still a better card then First Premier Bank of 1st Bank Delaware (Tribute).

You did the right thing. These are rebuilder cards, use them until you can move on and don't expect too much while you are their cardholder.
15 years 8 months ago #23
  • Posts: 118

Replied by CG101 on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

Hallelujah!!!! Hooters has been FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRED! It felt good. Real good. Phase two will be done tomorrow morning. (Call Barclays, transfer my Itunes to B&N and then have a nice limit, maybe even get a cli! :cheesing:). Then I will only have two 4 digits CCs. I know my score is going to take a hit, but I don't care.
15 years 8 months ago #24
  • Posts: 118

Replied by CG101 on topic Re: Programs to help are a process

CG101, I too am thinking about doing the same thing on my hooters card. I've been with them for a year now and I have yet to see a CLI and I hate that there AF is charged monthly.....

Question, what are your CS with the various agencies? I wanted to get the Barnes and Nobles card but I wanted to make sure my credit is right for that.... thanks....

If memory serves me correctly, when I got the B&N I was at mid-600. This was also last year, before "the crisis"...I definitely remember that I was considered "good" with FICO. I had baddies, but my positives were outweighing the negatives at that time.

I currently have a 703 TU, 691 EQ and 705 EX (that one is "Vantage", of course). With the exception of EX, all scores are from myfico.

Oh and since I did see daily monitoring sites named, I will say which one I use. I used to use TC, but it's gone to crap now (monthly updates for same price....puh-leze).

I use ChaseIDProtection.com. Very accurate and is a daily puller, which in turns is good for TU inqs.
15 years 8 months ago #25
  • Posts: 296

Replied by Brian23 on topic Re: Programs to help are a process

CG101, I too am thinking about doing the same thing on my hooters card. I've been with them for a year now and I have yet to see a CLI and I hate that there AF is charged monthly.....

Question, what are your CS with the various agencies? I wanted to get the Barnes and Nobles card but I wanted to make sure my credit is right for that.... thanks....
15 years 8 months ago #26
  • Posts: 118

Replied by CG101 on topic Re: Programs to help are a process

I've written a couple of posts about my disdain for Hooters, but I don't think I got into why (and if I did, I'm sorry for the redundancy)...

I had called them up about 3 weeks ago to see if I can get electronic statements. The [enter derogatory word here[/quote] told me that no, they don't plan on ever doing that. Then I figured, ok, let me ask for a CLI. She didn't even bother wanting to do an account review. Then I asked, ok, let me at least get the AF waived because that's coming up. She said that if you got the card with an AF, you will always have it, and it will be charged monthly! As I've had a Rewards 660 card, I did not want to go through that again. So as soon as I feel the time is right (which might actually be soon), I will call them up and cancel the card. The only negative is that I will get a FICO hit, but it will last for a few weeks at worst. I will probably not apply for any credit anyway. But to give you an idea, I have $4k with BOA, $800 with Barclays Barnes and Noble and $300 Itunes (The itunes I will probably close as well, but not before I ask for a Barclays CLI and have everything transferred to the B&N). When early 2011 comes, I will have 0 INQs on both EX and EQ and near a clean CR (Paid Tax Lien will be going nowhere). No doubt I will be able to get me real cards with even realer limits. LOL.

I am also a practiced revolver. I don't carry a balance and have access to too much cash to ever do so. (I'm not rich...but I know how to save and pay bills...) A balance may show on my CR...but you can bet your bottom dollar that it was paid about a couple of days after. :) I stay within grace.
15 years 8 months ago #27
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Merrick Bank / HOOTER'S / GEICO

You don't need both, using both will keep you confused. I used to do the same thing, i just narrowed it down to creditkeeper and left it alone. Truecredit is a bunch of crap and if you noticed on your soft pulls, (when your Cr comes to your house) they did not pull on the days you requested. I remember when i was anxious and hoping for a miracle to happen like one day it suppose to be 600 and the next hour or day it was going to be 630. When I got my credit report sent to me due to a dispute, I saw that truecredit was not pulling at my request. That is when they give you those same scores that you just seen yesterday or the day before. Not only that, pulling everyday can cause our files to split. We don't want that to happen especially not in these days and times.:laugh:

Pick one and I will suggest Mycreditkeeper, they come closer to being accurate than truecredit (IMO). But the true scores lies with what hjm just told you, MYfico.com. And you don't need to see those often, just every now and then as long as you have a regular credit monitoring company already.
16 years 1 month ago #28
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Re: Merrick Bank / HOOTER'S / GEICO

The scores from myfico.com are the real scores since 90% of creditors in the country use the FICO scoring system. The scores you're lookin at are called "FAKO" scores because consumers consider them fake. It's not really a matter of being real or fake. Just like Fair Isaac, other sites like True Credit and Credit Keeper have their own scoring system but lenders trust the FICO scoring system the most so therefore, they're considered the real deal.
16 years 1 month ago #29
  • Posts: 4

Replied by postbkcy13 on topic Re: Has Your Credit Card(s) CL Been Reduced, Closed, or Frozen? If So, Please Ex

Well I got some semi-bad news, I checked my credit report today on truecredit and the Hooters card is on there already. The CSR told me that the limit was 1100 but on my credit report it posted 500. I dont even have my card yet and its on my report? oh well an approval is an approval.

So here's a question, I pulled my report off of truecredit today and scores were 617 tu, 600 eq, 642 ex(hooters posted) but i also tried the creditkeeper and my scores were alot higher...635 eq, 640 tu, 648 ex. so which one is real? or which scores do the creditors mostly use?
16 years 1 month ago #30