• Posts: 43

Replied by keys on topic Re: HOOTERS MASTERCARD

I applied for a Hooters MC today online and got the "will notify you in 7-10 days" response and wonder what my chances really are of getting the card. My fico scores are: TU= 630, EQ= 619, EX= 600; anyone think this might be a wasted inquiry?:scared:
16 years 8 months ago #121
  • Posts: 53

Replied by happylady on topic Happylady, I have been calling

Happylady, I have been calling once a month for the past 6 months (since last CLI) and I can't get one for the life of me!

Okay so I won't take it personally that they denied me!! :fun: But I will keep trying!! :laugh:
16 years 8 months ago #122
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Happylady, I have been calling

Happylady, I have been calling once a month for the past 6 months (since last CLI) and I can't get one for the life of me! :cheesing:
16 years 8 months ago #123
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Dont think about with Hooter's,

Dont think about with Hooter's, you will get denied.
16 years 8 months ago #124
  • Posts: 53

Replied by happylady on topic Happylady, did you try calling

Happylady, did you try calling the backdoor number and asking for an increase? I'm pretty sure they will grant you one.

The second card that they started me off with had an initial CL of $500. I called in after 3 months saying I didn't get an increase after my 3rd billing statement cycle as it said in the credit steps letter so they increased my CL to $1,000. A few days later, they automatically increased my limit to $1,500 and I have been stuck there ever since. It's a good card though and it doesn't hurt if you try, I call them once a month to see if they have any CLI's for me.

Yeah I called the back door number for Cap1 and asked for a CLI but got denied :worried: :worried:
Wow...you call once a month...I should try that...especially if it doesn't hurt my score or anything...thanks hjm331 for the tip!! :laugh: Maybe if I call enough they will say please give this girl at least 1 CLI so she can stop calling us!! :laugh:
16 years 8 months ago #125
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Happylady, did you try calling

Happylady, did you try calling the backdoor number and asking for an increase? I'm pretty sure they will grant you one.

The second card that they started me off with had an initial CL of $500. I called in after 3 months saying I didn't get an increase after my 3rd billing statement cycle as it said in the credit steps letter so they increased my CL to $1,000. A few days later, they automatically increased my limit to $1,500 and I have been stuck there ever since. It's a good card though and it doesn't hurt if you try, I call them once a month to see if they have any CLI's for me. :cheesing:
16 years 8 months ago #126
  • Posts: 53

Replied by happylady on topic Happylady, try applying for a

Happylady, try applying for a Capital One card. If they deny you too, then stop.

Actually I have a Cap1 card that I got in Jan 08 - I started with $300 limit and then they increased to $500 with "Credit Steps". I'm gonna keep paying on time and try again for more cards in a few months. Thanks for the support! :laugh:
16 years 8 months ago #127
  • Posts: 53

Replied by happylady on topic How many inq do you

How many inq do you have from all three each?

I had 10 inq each from EX, EQ and TU. I found out that Hooters pulled TU which according to what I pulled myself from the BofA service my TU score is 573...so I dont' know :worried:
But that's cool - at least I have 2 cards and I am on the right track now and on this board now so that's what's important!! :laugh:
I'll just keep on keepin' on with my payments and play the waiting game! :cheesing:
Everyone on this site is so great! This is a great place to get support while trying to get your credit together! :fun:
16 years 8 months ago #128
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Happylady, try applying for a

Happylady, try applying for a Capital One card. If they deny you too, then stop.
16 years 8 months ago #129
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic How many inq do you

How many inq do you have from all three each?
16 years 8 months ago #130
  • Posts: 53

Replied by happylady on topic Hooters denied you? Or did

Hooters denied you? Or did you try the Barclays cards?

Yes, Hooter's gave me a big "NO" :worried:
I haven't tried Barclays - I actually never heard of them before seeing it on this forum...but if Hooter's denied me I'm kinda thinking I should just chill for awhile with the 2 cards I have and just build my history with them...maybe after some of my inquiries drop off I'll try again. :worried: What do you think??
16 years 8 months ago #131
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Hooters denied you? Or did

Hooters denied you? Or did you try the Barclays cards?
:shocked: :shocked:
16 years 8 months ago #132
  • Posts: 53

Replied by happylady on topic Well I applied online today

Well I applied online today and got denied... :worried:
Oh well I guess I'll try again in a few months...I'll just keep paying on time for the 2 cards I have and see what happens!! :scared:
16 years 8 months ago #133
  • Posts: 153

Replied by KellBell on topic You'll get the card.

You'll get the card.
16 years 8 months ago #134
  • Posts: 53

Replied by happylady on topic I am thinking of applying

I am thinking of applying for this Hooters card it seems like they give love to people trying to rebuild! :cheesing:
I checked my scores again yesterday -

EQ - 551
EX - 559
TU - 573

I have 10 collection accounts ( 1 paid 9 unpaid). Most recent one is July 2007.
I have 10 inquiries in the past 24 months - 6 of which will drop of in July.
I have
BofA Secured Visa - Sept 07 - $300 limit - no lates
Cap1 - Jan 08 - $500 limit - no lates
Wachovia Car Loan - - July 06 - Bal $19k - no lates
US Dept Ed Loan - Sept 02 - Bal $9k - no lates

What do you think my chances are of getting approved for this card? :worried:
16 years 8 months ago #135