Finance Globe

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Here are the Benefits of Online Bill Pay

Here are the Benefits of Online Bill Pay

Go back in time to the 1990’s and everybody was writing checks to pay their bills. While this is still common, you have another option in today’s world: online bill pay.

Some people take full advantage of online bill pay. Others, however, continue to put this off for one reason or another.

If you have yet to move in this direction, if you continue to shy away from technology, now is the time to make a change. Here are several benefits associated with online bill pay:

•    Save time. How long does it take to write out a check, stuff an envelope, and head to the mailbox? This may not be the most time consuming task, but it can definitely drag you down. With online bill pay, none of this comes into play. Instead, you enter your debit or credit card information and submit your payment.
•    Stay organized. There is nothing worse than being disorganized when it comes to paying bills and managing your budget. Unfortunately, the more paper you add to your system the greater chance there is that you will get off track.
•    More time to pay. With online bill pay, you can wait until the very last minute to pay your balance (if you need to). The same is not true with mailing a payment, as you have to account for delivery time.

Paying your bills online may be a change, but these benefits prove that it is something to consider. If you start slow, if you get your feet wet one bill at a time, you may eventually realize this is best for you in the future.

How long have you been paying your bills online? Is there a reason you have yet to experiment with this?

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Comments 1

Wanderer on Tuesday, 22 December 2015 16:37

A follow on this is paying using the (ACH) Automated Clearing House or (EFT) Electronic Funds Transfer. Set up my payments and they are automatically taken from my checking account (set up minimum pays when it is a credit card). Still receive the bills so I enter them in my check book. Works like a charm and keeps me organized and on time!

A follow on this is paying using the (ACH) Automated Clearing House or (EFT) Electronic Funds Transfer. Set up my payments and they are automatically taken from my checking account (set up minimum pays when it is a credit card). Still receive the bills so I enter them in my check book. Works like a charm and keeps me organized and on time!
Thursday, 13 February 2025

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