Finance Globe

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Changing Car Insurance Providers? Ask these Questions First

Making the change from one car insurance provider to another can be a hassle. Not only do you have to compare your many options, but there is a lot of paperwork involved with the switch. However, the long term benefits may be too good to overlook.

Why are you making a change? Here are a few of the most common reasons:
  • Hoping to save money on the cost of coverage
  • Current provider is no longer offering high quality customer service
  • You had a falling out after making a claim
It doesn’t matter why you are looking to change car insurance providers. What matters is that you make a decision you will be happy with.

By using the internet, you can quickly and efficiently compare a variety of companies. Along the way, you will want to ask the following questions of each one:

1. What can you do for me that my past car insurance provider could not? This is extremely important, because there is no point in making a change unless it is going to benefit you in the end.

2. Can you provide me with a quote based on the coverage I am currently receiving? You want to compare apples to apples. You want to compare your current coverage with what a new provider would be able to offer you. This is the only way to see if you are actually saving money while still getting quality coverage.

3. How long has your company been in business? It goes without saying that you should only consider car insurance providers that have been providing high quality service for many years. There is risk associated with choosing a company that is new to the industry. What happens if they go out of business in the near future?

4. Which discounts do I qualify for? Anybody who pays for car insurance realizes that discounts go a long way in lowering their premium. From safe driver discounts to those for safety features, you need to know what you qualify for. Your goal is to find a company that offers more discounts than your current provider.

5. What payment options do you offer? Like many, you may have a preference as to how and when you pay for coverage. Do you want to pay monthly by credit card? How about every six months by check? What about automatic debit? These are the types of questions to consider.

There is nothing wrong with changing from one car insurance provider to another. Just make sure you ask the questions above before making a final determination.
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