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7 Tips for Managing Multiple Jobs

7 Tips for Managing Multiple Jobs

More than 7 million Americans work multiple jobs according to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some people work a second or third job to make ends meet, to reach financial goals, gain more experience in an industry, or fulfill a passion. One thing is for sure, managing multiple jobs can be mentally, physically, and emotionally taxing. Paying more attention to organization and time management can help relieve the stress that comes with juggling multiple jobs.

Plan your schedule at least a week in advance. The more responsibilities you have on your plate, the more it becomes necessary to manage your time.  Use an old-fashioned calendar book or a smartphone app to block out work hours and other obligations so you have an idea of your free and busy time.

Be diligent about prioritizing and tracking your responsibilities. Missing deadlines or letting tasks slip puts your jobs at risk. Don’t rely on your brain to keep track of everything. Put assignments and tasks on your to-do list as soon as you receive them and monitor your list continuously so you don’t lose sight of what's on the horizon.

Spend your free time wisely. Working more than one job can easily lead to burnout, especially if you also have to juggle family responsibilities. Spend your free time doing things that will reenergize you or make life easier. For example, you might spend an evening off prepping meals for the next few days so you'll have time to eat without spending extra money eating out.

Don’t feel bad about saying “no”. Working multiple jobs leaves you with much less free time, so you have to treat it like a rare commodity. That may mean turning down social engagements or requests for favors.

Manage your money well. One good thing that can come from working more than one job – you won’t have a lot of time to waste money. Continue to keep up with a budget and make sure you’re putting your money to good use. If you can afford to live off one job's pay, you can use the other to pay off your debt or build up savings.

Remember why you started. Some days you'll wonder why you're working multiple jobs. You may be on the verge of quitting, but remind yourself why you're working more than one job right now. Whether it’s out of necessity or to create a better life, use your goals to motivate you to keep going.

Keep your long-term plan in mind. Having a five-year plan may sound cliché, but it’s necessary to ensure you don’t get stuck juggling multiple jobs for years. Continually refer to your overall career strategy and consider how the jobs you’re working now will help you reach those goals.

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Comments 1

Frank on Monday, 21 November 2016 18:19

I have been experiencing this for about 24 months or so, and these tips are hugely helpful! The one that resonates with me the most is, it is okay to say no sometimes. I find there very difficult and hate to turn business away. BUT sometimes if you overwhelm yourself, you are doing yourself more harm than good.

I have been experiencing this for about 24 months or so, and these tips are hugely helpful! The one that resonates with me the most is, it is okay to say no sometimes. I find there very difficult and hate to turn business away. BUT sometimes if you overwhelm yourself, you are doing yourself more harm than good.
Wednesday, 23 October 2024

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