Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.
2 minutes reading time (373 words)

Self Employment Success: More than Money

You have had enough of the rat race. You are tired of driving through traffic, just to take orders all day long. It is time for you to consider self employment.

While this is a big step as far as your career is concerned, it will also impact your finances and personal life in a variety of ways.

When it comes to self employment success, there is more to feeling good about yourself than earning a lot of money. Sure, you want to hit all your financial goals, but this does not mean you can afford to overlook other details that are every bit as important.

Here are three other factors you should measure as you attempt to gauge your success:

1. Freedom. How much freedom do you have in your new position as a self employed professional? If your primary goal of escaping the corporate world is to gain more freedom, make sure this is what is actually happening.

2. Doing something you love. The ability to choose your career is why so many people decide to join the ranks of the self employed. Above all else, you must choose a career field that you will enjoy, even when times get tough. You have the chance to create a job for yourself, and you don’t want to misstep while doing so.

3. Calling all the shots. When you work for somebody else, you are never truly in charge. There is always somebody above you who has the ability to override your ideas. Self employed workers don’t have to worry about this. You should be the person calling all the shots, allowing you to control your own destiny.

As you can see, there is more to self employment success than earning good money. Everybody wants to achieve their financial goals, but when you begin to work for yourself you will realize that the three factors above are just as important.

You cannot put a value on your freedom, working a job you love, and being in position to make all the decisions.

As your quest for self employment success moves forward, pay close attention to the financial reward as well as other details that will have a positive impact on your new career.
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