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7 Fast Money Saving Tips for College Students

7 Fast Money Saving Tips for College Students

There aren’t too many college students who have a surplus of money. If you find yourself short on cash, it doesn’t mean you have to sit in your dorm room day and night. Instead, you simply need to adjust your approach to ensure that you aren’t making poor financial decisions.

Below are seven fast money saving tips for college students:

•    Always sell your old text books. You can then use the money to purchase any books you need for the next semester.
•    Don’t eat out too often. If you have a cafeteria meal plan, use it. The food may not always “hit the spot,” but it is better than blowing through cash at local restaurants.
•    Watch how hard you party. Smoking and drinking will take a toll on your budget. Do you really need these things in your life? Not only will they harm your health, but they will eat away at your budget.
•    Pay your bills on time. This should go without saying, but college students are busy. If you forget to pay a bill, it is likely you will be slapped with a late fee.
•    Don’t drive when you can walk. If you have a car on campus, leave it sit unless you absolutely need it. It takes gas to drive, and it takes money to fill up your tank.
•    Sell what you no longer need. Do you have any items, such as an old computer or television, that you no longer want? Rather than let these pile up, use a website, such as Craigslist, that allows you to sell your items for free.
•    Search for free fun. College is all about having fun, right? Unfortunately, a good time often calls for a lot of money. But here is the good thing: there are free activities, many of which are sponsored by the college, that provide all the fun you can handle.

As a college student, you should be able to implement one or more of these tips in order to save money.

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Comments 1

Frank on Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:57

No one has money in college (or the vast majority of students don't). This is one of the most important times in your life to really get organized in your personal finances. Doing these tips and many more can actually make a difference to surviving financially in college. Always be organized financially and start doing this in college. If you do, it will help you organize your financial life throughout your whole life!

No one has money in college (or the vast majority of students don't). This is one of the most important times in your life to really get organized in your personal finances. Doing these tips and many more can actually make a difference to surviving financially in college. Always be organized financially and start doing this in college. If you do, it will help you organize your financial life throughout your whole life!
Wednesday, 23 October 2024

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