"Love Target!"
Target REDcard® Store Card Review
Written by: brown14 on 2018-01-20
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

brown14's review:
I closed on my home last year (smiling). We live close by a super target so I decided to see about getting a card. I applied in store @ oct17 and was approved for $500. I love the everyday 5% off and I save a lot with the new "cartwheel" in their app. Lots of coupons and discounts. I pay on time and mostly in full so no issues with the card. I had a target card previously but they closed it ($200 limit) for inactivity. I'll be using this one heavily so I won't have to worry about that. The limits are very low as expected, but I'm use to it. I'm not sure of my score at the time, maybe high 600s

Comment 1 by wanderer
Re: Love Target!
on 2018-01-20
Congrats on your new Target Red Card and on your new home! You can certainly enjoy the benefits of a Target Card as you work your way through the house setting it up to your life style :)

Comment 2 by frankn
Re: Love Target!
on 2018-04-30
Always remember to pay it off every month, that way you won't have to pay those crazy interest rates!!

Comment 3 by brown14
Re: Love Target!
on 2018-08-11
Just wanted to update on my growth with this card. I received a $500 increase on my 4/5/18 stmt, new limit $1000. Yesterday my credit carma showed a limit increase on my target card of $1400. I wasn’t sure if this was accurate so I looked at my 8/5/18 stmt and confirmed my limit was $2400!! It had a congratulations notice on the stmt. Target has come a long way from the crappy limit days :)

Comment 4 by bc8787
Re: Love Target!
on 2018-08-21
Congrats on all your CLI's. Thats because the target card is serviced by TD bank. They are very good to their loyal customers. I have been going back and forth on getting this card but I am more of a way mart guy. (I have their card too) but like yourself I recently purchased a house and like the furniture they have at target.

Comment 5 by brown14
Re: Love Target!
on 2021-09-06
Just dropping in to update everyone. During the pandemic I wasn’t using my card. Apparently this is a no no for target. They dropped my limit to $1000 which I think was wrong to do during the COVID crisis. I called to complain and the supervisor advised this was common practice. She said once you start using again the limit will go back up. I was never late on payments, never used more than 10% of my limit and my credit score has gone UP since I first got the card. Needless to say I did start back using and in July 2021 they upgraded me to the target MasterCard AND increased my limit to $4000. I’m pleased so I’ll keep the card for a long time

Comment 6 by wanderer
Re: Love Target!
on 2021-09-08
Good data points and nice upgrade with credit line increase!

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by Target National Bank. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Target National Bank. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.