"Wonderful Card, Love The Financing!"
Amazon.com Store Card Review
Written by: brown14 on 2016-09-26
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

brown14's review:
I applied for this card last year @ October to purchase a few gifts. Score was around 650 (could have been lower). I use this account for the promotional financing. I spend over $149 for the 6 month 0%. Today I applied for an increase and was asked how much by the automated system. I didn't want to go to high and not get approved so I asked for $500. It was approved giving me a limit of $1300. Synchrony has been know to chop limits without notice so I will keep an eye out for this one. Nonetheless, so far so good :)

Comment 1 by wanderer
Re: Wonderful Card, Love The Financing!
on 2016-09-27
Good you are aware of the issuer's unusual view on credit limits ... congrats on your success!

Comment 2 by breakinger
Re: Wonderful Card, Love The Financing!
on 2016-10-06
Congratulations on the increase. I've been thinking about trying for this card since I purchase a lot of items from Amazon. I enjoy finding cards that offer such great promotional financing options, especially around the holiday season. Does this card also give you any special discounts on a Prime membership?

Comment 3 by brown14
Re: Wonderful Card, Love The Financing!
on 2021-09-06
Another update, I now have a $10,000 limit on my card. Several increases since opening. This card will grow as long as it is used responsibly.

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by Synchrony Bank. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Synchrony Bank. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.