"Instant Approval In Office!"
Care Credit® Card Review
Written by: patrick12 on 2011-09-21
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

patrick12's review:
I am in the process of getting braces, and my dentist recommended to me that I do 48 months no interest to pay for my procedure. I was under the impression Care Credit was Citi, but I guess its not, its GE Money Bank, I was instantly approved for $800.00! I was like, um ok? According to my dentist they can go higher depending on what all I am having done and what costs are involved. Equifax score at the time of approval was 666, and thats what they used to decision my application.

Comment 1 by majtykamadness
Re: Instant Approval In Office!
on 2011-09-21
Always wondered about this card. I have 3 kids and the first is just about to braces and my dentist also recommended Care credit. I'm very familiar with GEMB and have excellent credit relations with them so that's good. What type of APR is offered?

Comment 2 by patrick12
Re: Instant Approval In Office!
on 2011-09-23
The standard APR is 26.99, however, for much larger type of work, depending on the type of procedure, it starts at 12 months all the way up to 60 months, I believe for those terms the rate is reduced down to 14.9% in many cases. I did find out though, that Care Credit can be used to pay for your animals treatments as well at most vetrinary clinics! ;)

Comment 3 by sethatco
Re: Instant Approval In Office!
on 2011-09-23
This card is good for things like dentist or vet. I used it for invisalign and got zero interest for 24 months. The amount of the service and the specific provider sets the interest rate offer based on what you have done. Mine was 0% for 24 months on a $4,000 dollar purchase. This was a nice saving vers having to put it on a traditional credit card. However be careful GE Money has a nasty habit of lowering other credit lines or raising APR if you have other products or they do the total opposite and start offering you more products!

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by Synchrony Bank. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Synchrony Bank. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.