"No Annual Fee"
Hooters MasterCard Review
Written by: arnojab on 2011-05-22
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

arnojab's review:
Two weeks exactly from the time i applied to the time i recieved it. Had to call after one week to verify info. No annual fee,16.24% interest.Not a big c.l . $700.00.My experian plus score at the time was 702. I don not what my fico score is.

Comment 1 by wanderer
Re: No Annual Fee
on 2011-05-22
Great. Congrats. You are being showered with gifts by the credit gurus. You give us faith there is still credit in them thar hills!

Comment 2 by joeyman
Re: No Annual Fee
on 2011-05-23
Nice job on these new cards! You can sit back and let the accounts age. :)

Comment 3 by pauly2221
Re: No Annual Fee
on 2011-06-02
Congradulations on your new card. I have over 23 Credit cards including this one that I got 3 years ago I have to say they only do CLI 1 a year for around 400 dollars. But then again this is a bank and not a credit union. I had a score around 620 when I got this card. Now that I have a 730. Your experian plus score is a bout a 711 in fico score. That is really good and if you have somewhat low in quirys and 1year + in credit histor you have a good chance at getting a credit union credit card with a good interest rate and credit line. See below for details
Hooters (Merric Bank) $1,900 Limit
Chase 3K limit
Discover 1.5K limit
AMEX no preset
HSBC: $1,200 limit
And Now for the Credit union credit limits:
APG Credit Union: $10,300 limit
Navy Federal Credit Union: $15,000
Navy Federal Credit Union: $15,000 2nd One
Harco Credit Union: $12,000 limit
Keep in mind I applied for all these cards above within a 3 month span and with a fico range from 700-730.
I first applied for the bank ones and then when I got approved for the credit union ones 10x the limit of the bank I was surprised.
I have noticed that if you do not have a 780 or higher don't expect to get more then 10k with a bank but if you have a 680 or higher with a credit union expect to get a nice limit close to or over 10K.
Additional Information:
23 inquirys
1.7 years history
30 and 60 day lates 5+ years ago
Higher Interest Rate:
Chase: 22%
Discover 17.9%
AMEX no preset 2.99% after 30 days (charge Card)
HSBC: 19.9%
and Now for the Credit union credit Interest
Lower Interest Rate: (Credit Unions)
APG Credit Union: 10.99%
Navy Federal Credit Union: 12.99%
Navy Federal Credit Union: 12.99% 0% for 12month
Har Co: 9.99 %

Hooters (Merric Bank) $1,900 Limit
Chase 3K limit
Discover 1.5K limit
AMEX no preset
HSBC: $1,200 limit
And Now for the Credit union credit limits:
APG Credit Union: $10,300 limit
Navy Federal Credit Union: $15,000
Navy Federal Credit Union: $15,000 2nd One
Harco Credit Union: $12,000 limit
Keep in mind I applied for all these cards above within a 3 month span and with a fico range from 700-730.
I first applied for the bank ones and then when I got approved for the credit union ones 10x the limit of the bank I was surprised.
I have noticed that if you do not have a 780 or higher don't expect to get more then 10k with a bank but if you have a 680 or higher with a credit union expect to get a nice limit close to or over 10K.
Additional Information:
23 inquirys
1.7 years history
30 and 60 day lates 5+ years ago
Higher Interest Rate:
Chase: 22%
Discover 17.9%
AMEX no preset 2.99% after 30 days (charge Card)
HSBC: 19.9%
and Now for the Credit union credit Interest
Lower Interest Rate: (Credit Unions)
APG Credit Union: 10.99%
Navy Federal Credit Union: 12.99%
Navy Federal Credit Union: 12.99% 0% for 12month
Har Co: 9.99 %
Comment 4 by arnojab
Re: This Card Is No More
on 2012-06-28
My hooters master card is no more.I just received a Merrick bank visa card as a replacement with the same terms 16.45% interest and no annual fee.My scores across the board are in the low 700's

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by Merrick Bank. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Merrick Bank. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.