"Shot Down Like Game Bird!!!"
Hooters MasterCard Review
Written by: samamelia on 2011-01-08
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

samamelia's review:
I was denied instantaneously... BUT whatever... I guess I will have to go with some of these ridiculous subprime banks to get my credit back up... I don't know what my FICO score is, but my ConsumerInfo scores show Ex 563, Trans 563 and Eq has a blank...
Forget Hooters, and TU as well; they can sleep with the fishes...;) LOL

Forget Hooters, and TU as well; they can sleep with the fishes...;) LOL
Comment 2 by wanderer
Re: Shot Down Like Game Bird!!!
on 2011-01-08
You may want to try secured cards too... Citi and Bank of America have issued "secured" cards that get you into the primes and when graduation comes usually 9 months to 18 months you are unsecured with a prime (security is returned). Orchard Bank and/or Household Bank have been pretty good with unsecured. The point is starting over to re-build. You have bad credit so now patience and time with responsible use will bring back prime cards.

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by Merrick Bank. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Merrick Bank. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.