Destiny Mastercard®

  • 24/7 access to your account, even on mobile!
  • Accepted nationwide, wherever Mastercard is accepted
  • Account history is reported to the three major credit bureaus in the U.S
  • All the benefits of a Mastercard, without a security deposit
  • An opportunity to build and access credit
  • An unsecured Mastercard for less than perfect credit
  • Fraud Protection* from unauthorized charges
  • Keeping your account in good standing may help establish and/or improve your credit history
  • Multiple card designs to choose from, no extra charge
  • Responsible use and on time payment history can begin your financial future on the right track
  • Simple and fast application process
  • Quick and easy application process with a typical decision in 60 seconds or less
  • $700 Credit Limit
* The Destiny Mastercard is issued by Concora Credit Inc. Applications are subject to issuer review (which may include obtaining your credit report) and approval. Fraud protection provided by Mastercard Zero Liability Protection. If approved, you'll receive the Mastercard Guide to Benefits that details the complete terms with your card.
Credit Target Type Annual Fee BT Intro APR Purchase Intro APR Regular APR Rewards
Poor Credit, Good Credit Personal See Terms* N/A* N/A* See Terms* None

Destiny Mastercard® Quick Summary:
This Mastercard offer is issued by Concora Credit Inc.. This card is intended for consumers, or "personal use" with poor or limited credit histories. The issuer may expect recent or past flaws in your credit report. The purchase APR is See Terms*.

Important Rates:
Please see the card issuer's terms and conditions regarding annual percentage rates. Please see the application disclosures regarding the annual fee. You should read the additional details at the issuer's website or terms and conditions from the application for more information.

This is not a rewards card. It is normal for cards for fair and poor credit histories to not offer rewards.

Credit Record Needed:
Based on the FICO score recommendation, the issuer may expect that applicants may have had problems with their credit history, or are working on building their credit reputation. A FICO credit score of 510 to 699 is recommended for a higher chance of approval, but this is not required. There are a number of other factors that this issuer may also consider when making decisions for approval. While your FICO score is usually a very important factor, you may want to consider other areas that may affect a decision for approval. For example, your debt to income ratio, recent credit inquiries, 30+ day delinquencies, or current credit accounts nearing the maximum amount may affect a credit decision.

FICO scores/credit scores are used to represent the creditworthiness of a person and may be one indicator to the credit type you are eligible for. However, a credit score alone does not guarantee or imply approval for any Concora Credit Inc. product.

Other Basics:
This card contains the brand of Mastercard, where acceptance is global. Most businesses that accept credit cards will accept Mastercard as a form of payment (subject to available credit).

Our Editor's Commentary:
There is more to the Destiny Mastercard than a cool name. With a feature set geared toward consumers with no credit or poor credit, it's an offer that suits the wants and needs of millions of consumers.

Destiny Mastercard Benefits

While every credit card has something unique to offer, the Destiny Mastercard is known for its high level of benefits.

Here are some of the many reasons why it's a top choice among consumers with imperfect credit:

  • Almost everyone will qualify, including those with a prior bankruptcy
  • Prequalify without any impact on your credit report (and it's super quick)
  • Reporting to all three major credit bureaus, which allows you to establish a strong history while boosting your score
  • No security deposit
  • Choose from a handful of card designs at no extra charge

Along with the above, there's one last benefit worth mentioning: online account management.

With 24/7 access to a state of the art online system, you can keep tabs on your account when it's most convenient (even from your mobile device). From paying your bill to checking your balance, everything you need is easily accessible from your account dashboard.

Drawbacks of the Destiny Mastercard

The drawbacks of the Destiny Mastercard don't outweigh the benefits, but it's still important to consider these as you make a decision on whether to apply.

Here are some things to think about:

  • Higher than average APR
  • A high annual fee
  • No rewards program or cash back

You can avoid the APR coming into play by paying your balance in full each month. In regards to the annual fee, it's something you simply have to pay for access to a card that has so many benefits.

Final Thoughts

The Destiny Mastercard may not be the only credit card offer you're considering, but its benefits will have you taking a strong look.
If you decide in favor of this offer, apply online and receive an approval within minutes. From there, you can make a final decision on opening an account.

Approval Rate:
Currently, we have no applicant results in our system. You can be the first one to help by submitting your application results to assist other applicants before they apply for this card.

There have been no approvals in our internal system that we can calculate for this card. This could be due to lack of time that this card has been listed at Finance Globe or from other various factors. As we gain more information about the approval rates, we will update them here. Furthermore, if your FICO score is close to or higher than 522, then your chance of approval may be even greater.

Approval Time:
Approval time for this offer is not listed. You should expect a final credit decision within a couple of weeks, but normally much sooner.

Community Opinion:
There are no reviews. If you have experience, you can write one now.

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