Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Alison is a freelance writer, teacher, budding entrepreneur, and mom.

NDYL, Part 3: To Err is Human; to Budget, Divine

Budgeting is actually pretty simple. Just use the math you learned in elementary school and don’t spend more than you have. Really, it’s not brain surgery. It just feels like it sometimes. Add an uncooperative spouse into the equation and you might feel like volunteering to get a lobotomy. Hello again, budgeting allies! How are you all doing? Got your SMART goals in place? Budgets nailed down? Have you been hanging on the edge of your...
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  3244 Hits
3244 Hits

Nickel and Dime Yourself to Life, Part 2

It’s here! The beginning of my new fiscal year, and in my new fiscal year I hereby resolve to get control of my finances. In order to accomplish that I have to be smart, or rather S.M.A.R.T. As in, that acronym that gets touted so often as The Formula for successful goal setting it’s almost a cliche. I’m not a big fan of cliches, but I am a fan of stuff that works. Nearly 2 decades...
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  3575 Hits
3575 Hits

Nickel and Dime Yourself to Life, Part 1

I have an embarrassing confession. It has taken me nearly eight months to write this. I’ve written and rewritten this column--heck, this sentence--more times than I care to admit. My original plan was to write a blog-like series in which I presented money management tips that I would actually follow myself, to be kicked off with some sage advice about making financial New Year’s Resolutions. Yeah, I know. Missed the boat on that one. Thank you,...
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  3865 Hits
3865 Hits

Beyond cheap wrapping paper

Everyone knows that January is the time to buy holiday ornaments, wrapping paper and winter clothing at rock bottom prices, but did you know that you can save tons of money on many more exciting things this month? So, while you're out stocking up on wrapping paper at 99 cents a roll, consider shopping around also for some big ticket items you didn't think you could afford. Below is a list of items typically available at...
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  3414 Hits
3414 Hits