Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Are you a Recent College Grad? Follow these Basic Job Search Tips

As a recent college graduate, your school days are behind you. It is time to enter the real world, which means searching for a job.While some graduates are fortunate enough to walk directly into a position upon graduation, others have to work hard to find a job that suits them.As a recent college grad searching for your first job after receiving your diploma, the following three tips will come in handy:1. Don’t delay in getting started....
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  2701 Hits
2701 Hits

Answer these Financial Questions before Choosing a College

Are you in the process of comparing colleges? Are you hoping to make a decision on which one to attend in the near future? Despite the fact that this is one of the biggest decisions of your life, you only have so long to make up your mind.Like many, you may be holding yourself back because you don’t know which school will suit you best in terms of your finances. After all, college is more expensive...
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  3034 Hits
3034 Hits

3 People to Turn to when Selecting a College

As a high school student, there may come a day when you must decide which college to attend. While this is an exciting decision, you may also be worried that you are making the wrong choice.To ensure that you are on the right path, it is important to receive as much outside advice as possible. The final decision rests in your arms, but there is nothing wrong with getting the assistance of others you can trust.Here...
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  2906 Hits
2906 Hits

3 Ways College Students Waste Money

There is no denying the fact that some college students do not have as much financial sense as their parents would like. That being said, college is a learning experience. Students have to make their own mistakes, as these experiences will help shape a better future.Here are three of the most common ways that college students waste money:1. Buying news books instead of used. Despite the fact that many students are taking advantage of the ability...
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  2866 Hits
2866 Hits

Choosing a College – Make a Decision with Money in Mind

When choosing a college, there are hundreds of details to consider. However, your financial situation will go a long way in dictating your final decision.The last thing you want to do is make a mistake that will negatively impact your finances now and in the future. This is something you will regret.Here are five money related details that should be on your mind as you attempt to make one of the biggest decisions of your life:1....
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  1055 Hits
1055 Hits

Three Tips for Aggressively Tackling Student Loan Debt

Of the 20 million Americans who attend college each year, approximately 12 million rely on student loans to cover costs. If you are part of this group, you know one thing to be true: this debt can begin to weigh on your mind from day one.While it may be a dream come true to earn your college degree without taking on debt, this not reality for the majority of students.Student loan debt may be a part...
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  3199 Hits
3199 Hits

Can College Students Really Save by Living Off Campus?

As a college freshman, it is safe to assume that you are living in one of your school’s dormitories. That being said, you are probably looking forward to the day when you can break free and live on your own in an off campus house or apartment.While the freedom of living off campus may be what you are truly looking forward to, here is something else to consider: you can save a lot of money by...
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  2924 Hits
2924 Hits

Three Tips for any College Student Searching for a Job

Are you a college student? Have you come to the realization that you need a job? If you answered yes to both these questions, you are in the same position as many others at your school (as well as other institutions throughout the country).On one side of things, you understand the importance of finding a job as soon as possible. On the other side of the equation, you are likely concerned about the search process and...
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  2883 Hits
2883 Hits

What Happens to Student Loan Debt after Filing Bankruptcy?

Are you bogged down with student loan debt? Are your finances in disarray? If you answered yes to both these questions, you may have something on your mind: bankruptcy.While many people believe discharging student loan debt through bankruptcy is a simple task, nothing could be further from the truth. Most debtors are unable to discharge this debt through either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.There is on exception: if you can prove to the court that...
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  5722 Hits
5722 Hits

Rates on New Stafford Loans Double

Students borrowing certain need-based Federal loans after July 1, 2013 will pay a higher interest rate than previous borrowers paid on the same loan. Rates on new Direct Subsidized Loans, a need-based loan otherwise known as Stafford loans, will be 6.8% versus the 3.4% rate that student loan borrowers have enjoyed for the previous six years. The government estimates that 9.4 million loans will be made this year with the new interest rate. The rates for...
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  3158 Hits
3158 Hits