
  • Posts: 534

Replied by Joeyman on topic Re: Amex

Guys, with my AMEX Zync it only allows me to make 1 payment per month. And that's when the new bill comes out. >_>

Well it must have been just that day, because I've successfully made a payment outside of my statement date now. For my AMEX I just opened a new regular savings account, named it Zync ;), and I just transfer what I spend on my Zync to that account following with a large payment about every two weeks.
13 years 8 months ago #76
  • Posts: 648

Replied by smcc on topic Re: Amex

You would think Wanderer in these days and times they would put the "clamps" down on further increasing your spending ability based on newly acquired debt;makes no sense............
13 years 8 months ago #77
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Amex

Ok AMEX Elite, this makes no sense ! Now since I went into debt with this car and not even put a "dent" in the loan, AMEX has increased my spending ability with my Charge Card. Now considering the hits taken on my score regarding inquiries for the loan, and the loan itself, why is my spending limit at this time increasing ?

Trying to figure out AMEX people but its not making any sense...........

:cc: Guess... your ability to handle the latest purchase has triggered their internal credit scoring system to allow you more dollars based on your successful AMEX activities. They did not directly use the CB's but their credit scoring systems is quietly snooping the bureaus all the time. They appreciate you. :laugh:
13 years 8 months ago #78
  • Posts: 648

Replied by smcc on topic Re: Amex

Ok AMEX Elite, this makes no sense ! Now since I went into debt with this car and not even put a "dent" in the loan, AMEX has increased my spending ability with my Charge Card. Now considering the hits taken on my score regarding inquiries for the loan, and the loan itself, why is my spending limit at this time increasing ?

Trying to figure out AMEX people but its not making any sense...........
13 years 8 months ago #79
  • Posts: 534

Replied by Joeyman on topic Re: Amex

Guys, with my AMEX Zync it only allows me to make 1 payment per month. And that's when the new bill comes out. >_>

I've been enjoying the Contactless pay system quite well. A week back my brother was in town, we were waiting in line at a light-rail platform to buy him a ticket. The people in front of us took forever, well I swept in and hit two buttons waved my AMEX (no swipe!) and was done within 30 seconds! They looked at me like I was famous or something. Hehe. :cheesing: :cheesing: :cheesing: :cheesing:
13 years 8 months ago #80
  • Posts: 534

Replied by Joeyman on topic Re: Amex

Once again Joeyman I have changed my mind, first I thought it was Colonative, but no, I want to still be like you when I grow up ! Congrats !

Smcc, you're probably like two times my age! :fun: I'm 20 years old. :laugh: :laugh:
13 years 8 months ago #81
  • Posts: 648

Replied by smcc on topic Re: Amex

Once again Joeyman I have changed my mind, first I thought it was Colonative, but no, I want to still be like you when I grow up ! Congrats !
13 years 8 months ago #82
  • Posts: 534

Replied by Joeyman on topic Re: Amex

...the same thing I can do at the AMEX website, use the "check your spending ability" link to see if you qualify for a purchase.

I've tried the spending ability thing twice now, both were approved, the first for $1k and second for $5k. That makes me feel special. :laugh:
13 years 8 months ago #83
  • Posts: 648

Replied by smcc on topic Re: Amex

Mine is an 07, just purchased 2 weeks ago with 29K miles. Now Wanderer I plan on keeping it 4 - 5 years, driving it every two to three weeks with no more than 4 - 5k miles a year.

On another know Wanderer, never, and I mean never, will I buy another used car until I know the wholesale price the dealer is paying at the auction. I know many know of the "black book" prices for cars;the Kelly Blue Book and N.A.D.A. are fine, but always know the wholesale value of the car your buying or the one your trading in.
13 years 9 months ago #84
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Amex

Don't laugh, better to have the "new car smell" and a paid off car than the "new car smell" along with the new car and months of payments ! Long live the 2 year old car and all that "new car" depreciation eaten by the original owner !

Yes...! My trick is to have the dealer go to the auto auction with a set of specs and me approved financially. When the dealer finds the vehicle it is purchased with 10k to 25k in mileage and discounted. Works every time. Note it may take a couple of months.:scared:
13 years 9 months ago #85
  • Posts: 648

Replied by smcc on topic Re: Amex

Don't laugh, better to have the "new car smell" and a paid off car than the "new car smell" along with the new car and months of payments ! Long live the 2 year old car and all that "new car" depreciation eaten by the original owner !
13 years 9 months ago #86
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Amex

LOL, I don't think that will work in my 97...lolz! :laugh: :laugh:
13 years 9 months ago #87
  • Posts: 534

Replied by Joeyman on topic Re: Amex

well, there's always this .

13 years 9 months ago #88
  • Posts: 572

Replied by Finance Globe on topic Re: Amex

Well, there's always this . :fun:
13 years 9 months ago #89
  • Posts: 1257

Replied by ColoNative on topic Re: Amex

New Car ? Nope nada. Let someone else eat the depreciation for the first two years. Got a 2007, 29K miles. Have a go to work car Cnative, so this one stays in the garage. Thanks though, I just hope like I said that people who are AMEX users know their card stands behind them......

No new car smell then, but the car is new to you! Yep, Amex is a great company.
13 years 9 months ago #90