"Very Upsept!!!"
HSBC Weekend Card® Review
Written by: alondra on 2008-05-06
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

alondra's review:
I apply for this card because I have a savings account with them, plus the cash reward. Anyway the customer service has been the worst ever!!. I apply at the beginning of February and was approved instantly online, received the card on April after calling them several times. Started using it, went online to monitor the account and there is $4.86 cash reward, the next day check again and the balance was $4.06; today check my account again to make my online payment and guess what?, the balance on my cash reward is $0.00. Conclusion iam done with them, tomorrow iam calling to cancell the account; just hope this does not affect my credit report for closing too soon.

Comment 1 by aclove404
Don't Close
on 2008-05-06
Don't close the acct I would put it in a sock drawer and don't use it b. C it will help your utilization

Comment 2 by arod
Don't Close Them
on 2008-05-06
They already did an inquiry on your report... If you want to close it stay at least a year then close them.
But why don't you call and talk to a manager and see if they can do something for you.
Good luck to you.

But why don't you call and talk to a manager and see if they can do something for you.
Good luck to you.
Comment 3 by eric
Sounds Fishy
on 2008-05-06
I would call CS and see whats going on... Now you know if you return merchandise they will take the money or points off the rewards? For example you get 1% back and you bought something for $400, that means you get $4 cashback but you return the item, they take the cashback... Sock drawer it and use it for utilization if not explained to you.

Comment 4 by rockin35
Dont Cancel It
on 2008-05-06
I agree, don't cancel the card just yet. The cashback does work exactly the way Eric stated earlier.
If you do decide to cancel it, find out why the cashback dollar value has decreased then make your decision.

If you do decide to cancel it, find out why the cashback dollar value has decreased then make your decision.
Comment 5 by alondra
Thank You
on 2008-05-06
Thank you for all the positive comments and advise. I did call customer service and they apologize bc was an error, once again, hope this is the last inconvenience other wise have to get rid of the account. Thanks again!!!

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.