"How Long For Credit Limit Increases"
HSBC Platinum MasterCard® with Cash Back Rewards Review
Written by: aclove404 on 2008-03-16
Overall Satisfaction

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aclove404's review:
I have not had this card long at all but does anyone know how long it is before HSBC give cli and how long should I have it before I request cli on my own? If anybody knows the answer let me know

Comment 1 by sethatco
Good Luck With That
on 2008-03-16
HSBC is not in the business as of late for giving CLI's. I have the card as well, now going on 9 months. All FICO scores are at least 700 and still have not been given a CLI. Never missed a payment all bills paid in full and still nothing. I am going to hold onto the card for a year but if I am not granted a decent CLI. The card is going where it belongs in the shredder.

Comment 2 by meya
on 2008-03-17
I think you better listen to this reply becasue I do agree that HSBC is not clli friendly.

Comment 3 by markrivers
Yes They Do
on 2008-03-17
I disagree..
got my bestbuy card last sept 07 ( issued by HSBC)
then this February I tried to increase my CL
there's a pre-approved CL for me already

got my bestbuy card last sept 07 ( issued by HSBC)
then this February I tried to increase my CL
there's a pre-approved CL for me already
Comment 4 by sethatco
Old & New
on 2008-03-17
What was the inital limit? What did they give you for a new limit?

Comment 5 by hjm331
RE: Mark
on 2008-03-17
Mark, are you talking about the regular BB store card or the MasterCard? I have a Mastercard and they are not CLI friendly either.

Comment 6 by markrivers
Bestbuy Store Card
on 2008-03-17
I forgot to mention, it's the regular BestBuy store Card.
initial CLimit is $4000.
then increased to $ 5500.
it's not the Best buy Mastercard.
i asked before I apply at the store which one is easier to get approved.
and they said its the regular store card

initial CLimit is $4000.
then increased to $ 5500.
it's not the Best buy Mastercard.
i asked before I apply at the store which one is easier to get approved.
and they said its the regular store card
Comment 7 by arod
Well I Had Them For 3 Month
on 2008-03-17
I had them for 3 month and got a credit line increase on two of them.
check your credit report on all three credit bureau because you should of got a credit line increase did you call and request CLI if not call this number
1-800-694-9222 and request it..

check your credit report on all three credit bureau because you should of got a credit line increase did you call and request CLI if not call this number
1-800-694-9222 and request it..
Comment 8 by hjm331
RE: Mark
on 2008-03-17
How long have you had the card for and about how much have u spent on it so far?

Comment 9 by markrivers
@hjm331 Re: Opened Sept 07
on 2008-03-17
I opened the Bestbuy store card sept 07
balance around 800-900 up to dec
now my balance is just $300.

balance around 800-900 up to dec
now my balance is just $300.
Comment 10 by hjm331
RE: Mark
on 2008-03-17
I went and clicked on the love button last night and they give me a $300 CLI. Not bad considering I haven't spent anything on the card yet lol

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