"Instantly Approved"
Kay Jewelers Credit Card Review
Written by: sar1954 on 2012-08-23
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

sar1954's review:
I have had this card for nearly over a year. I made small purchase, then I traded in and upgraded my wedding rings (which I love and find of great quality), I started out with a credit line of $1200, and under the first year I was automatically increased to $2200. This is a great card, and a great company. Like anything the faster you pay it off, the less interest. And as you are paying or balance down if you have had a long good pay history, they will lower your monthly payment due if needed. I have done that a few times, and then always sent more as I could but kept my minimum low as a precautionary.

1 Comment
Comment 1 by wanderer
Re: Instantly Approved
on 2012-08-23
Congrats on your accomplishments. This is an example of being rewarded.

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by Comenity Bank. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Comenity Bank. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.