"I Am Still N Shock! Approved"
Sears MasterCard® Review
Written by: sg2416 on 2011-12-02
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

sg2416's review:
Back in 2008 I tried to get a secure credit card from citi with a no go. I go to sears today to by a few xmas presents and get to the cashier and she asked if I wanted to apply for a sears card, I'm thinking another store card, sure why not. Granted the person in front of me was just denied. I had to fill out the first few lines of the credit app. and she said she could do the rest with my ID. I said ok all while just browsing until I saw the Citi sign, I was like Oh No! Why did I do this, cause I am thinking it is a store card. I felt so stupid when I finally asked the question is this for the store card, "no" was her reply. Anyway, was approved for $4,500 and i almost fainted, I kept looking at the approval slip to see if I was reading this right, call my daughter over told her to look too....she confirmed the amount. The cashier never told me my credit line and I was to shocked to ask her for fear she might say she made some sort of mistake. I am elated beyond words, Last week Discover and now Citi and i am done for a long time. Will be getting rid of starter cards one at a time. Oh yeah, I filed bankruptcy in 2005 and have been rebuilding since I found this website in 2008. Much love to you FG for all of the help along the way.

Comment 1 by wanderer
Re: I Am Still N Shock! Approved
on 2011-12-02
WOW! Totally cool! Congrats! You are on the road to credit recovery. Enjoy having a Master Card with a great CL! CIti has been good to me and I had a BK in my past too.

Comment 2 by derek1061
Re: I Am Still N Shock! Approved
on 2011-12-03
Congratulations. That is a excellent credit limit

Comment 3 by lovinlifeinkc
Re: I Am Still N Shock! Approved
on 2011-12-10
Excellent limit, what is your current score??

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by Citibank. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Citibank. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.