"Too Many Fees"
Tribute® Gold MasterCard® Credit Card Review
Written by: upset on 2009-03-03
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

upset's review:
There are too many fees attached to this card: pay by phone, online, over limit, and late fees. The fees themselves are not the issue but the amount, 4.95 to pay online, 4.95 to pay by phone, $35 for over the limit and late fees. $85 annualy and $6.50 ( oh, it went up to 10.00) maintenance fee. More than I want to pay. To top all that off you can not get the phone number unles you do your own search for it online. It is not on the bill.

Comment 1 by rockin35
Try To Keep It .....
on 2009-03-03
I do agree with everything you wrote. If you are in a "rebuilding" phase as far as your credit file goes, try to hang on to this card for a year until your credit is established enough to move on to a Capitalone card or a BOAmerica secured card. The fees are very high, I say give it 6 months at least. Tribute is NOT customer service friendly, but in time you will be able to get another card. Rockin35

Comment 2 by cireone
on 2009-03-04
Yes, the fees are ridiculous, but there are other sub-prime issuers that charge much more to access certain features. Most sub-prime card companies are never going to be great in terms of fees and customer service, after all they are extending credit to people with poor credit.

Comment 4 by meya
Still Around! Yikes!
on 2009-03-04
I googled around on the site and I seen "My Tribute Card" which stated that "You must sign in first" then I clicked "Apply Now," and wallla, the rotten company is still there.
I was also looking for their PLATINUM CARD, but I did not see it.

I was also looking for their PLATINUM CARD, but I did not see it.
Comment 5 by yoyo11
Renewal Letter
on 2009-03-05
Hello, my second year with Tribute is approaching. they are rising my monthly fee from 6.50 to $10.00. Annual fee going down $100 from $150. Well they only charged me $100 last year. My CL is still $760. Guess I'll see what happens in April.

Comment 6 by wildrage2
The Thing Is...
on 2009-03-06
The thing is, Tribute offers cards with $10k limits, no monthly fees, and no annual fees. I wonder if you can ever transition to it?

Comment 7 by colonative
on 2009-03-06
Are you serious or are you referencing Keijon10K's recent post?

Comment 8 by wanderer
Comm'n Now...! Bottom Feeders
on 2009-03-07
As I read through this site, I can't imagine any of us applying for the bottom feeder cards without first understanding the "terms and conditions" of the card we are applying for... Give me a break...!

Comment 9 by meya
Re: Wildrage
on 2009-03-08
Which cards are those? I have never heard anyone talking about that, please provide us with some feedback as soon as you get a chance.

Comment 10 by rockin35
I Agree With Meya
on 2009-03-08
Can you give us some feedback on those? Rockin35

Comment 11 by mrrob
Try Another
on 2009-03-09
Did ou try for the Hooters, Capital One or Orchard Bank? I would recommend those before going with this particular card

Comment 12 by brownfox79
AllTributeAcctsClosed As Of 9/04/09
on 2009-09-04
What is going on with Tribute?!, I just used my card for a small transaction 3 hours ago. I just went online to check my available balance = $0. So I called Tribute to find out what's the problem; and I was notified that ALL TRIBUTE CARDS WILL BE SHUT DOWN. I was informed that it was not due to my payment history (18 months off on time payments). It was a management decision instead, OUCH! Can someone else check their available credit to confirm this? If this is true, I will pay off my entire balance within a month to avoid giving these creeps another dime!

Comment 13 by manda
Re: Too Many Fees
on 2009-11-20
Our firm is contemplating filing a class action against Tribute for its unfair business practices.
Please contact us to discuss:
Makarem & Associates
11601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2440
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Ph: (310) 312-0299

Please contact us to discuss:
Makarem & Associates
11601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2440
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Ph: (310) 312-0299
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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by First Bank of Delaware. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by First Bank of Delaware. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.