Who fell for the Pay-Day Loans
- Meya
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Replied by Meya on topic Re: Who fell for the Pay-Day Loans
- eugene66
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Replied by eugene66 on topic before you do anything online
- Scribes
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Replied by Scribes on topic hello all,there are so many
hello all,there are so many lenders who offer loans online. i want to know is it safe to take loans from online lenders.Have anyone taken such loan.
Dont you think loan from banks is a better option.
please express your views.
It's safe as long as you remember one thing -- DO NOT PAY ANYTHING UPFRONT. It is unethical to pay money to borrow money, no matter what. Also, get everything in writing, signed and sealed, and no phony e-signatures! Demand the REAL signature.

- princee18
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Replied by princee18 on topic hello all,there are so many
Dont you think loan from banks is a better option.
please express your views.
- Meya
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Replied by Meya on topic CA payday loan lenders CANNOT
This is true!CA payday loan lenders CANNOT file criminal charges for an unpaid loan even if you close your account.
This is always true but they do it anyway. Their excuses are that this is the number that you gave them permission to call when you signed the application.They are also not allowed to call you at work if you tell them to stop and especially not allowed to threat you will action that they cannot legally take.
This is what they do everytime you crack their face.She hung up on me!!!
Good researching for yourself. When it all boils down to it, they will accept what you are willing to pay in terms, they just use those hard judgements towards us to make us urine on themsleves. I used to laugh at them because they just did not know that 40 other creditors was ahead of them.

Keep us posted on your outcome ok.
- happylady
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Replied by happylady on topic Meya, Thanks for the support...after I
Thanks for the support...after I calmed down yesterday( I was so scared!!) I did some research and learned that in CA payday loan lenders CANNOT file criminal charges for an unpaid loan even if you close your account. They can only try to collect the amount of the original loan + ONE $15 NSF fee. After that they can take you to small claims court and get a judgement if you don't pay. They are also not allowed to call you at work if you tell them to stop and especially not allowed to threat you will action that they cannot legally take. So...armed with my new knowledge I called the collection agency back today and asked to speak with the lady who threated me yesterday. I politely asked her for the full name and mailing address of the agency because I wanted to send them a letter telling them NOT to call me at work anymore and that they were BREAKING THE LAW by threatening me with arrest. She hung up on me!!!

So I called back and spoke with the secretary to get the info I wanted...I am mailing my letter certified mail TODAY.
- eugene66
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Replied by eugene66 on topic iv'e used a payday loan
- Meya
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Replied by Meya on topic Wow, interesting story. My sister
Don't be ashamed of anythng that happen in your life with debit, if don't have the funds to pay, you just don't have it. You can't drain blood from a turnip! I remember when I had to send a fake death certificate to a creditor because they were talking about hauling me in. You are not the only one, trust me. Thanks for sharing the story.
- happylady
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Replied by happylady on topic Unfortunately I fell for this

I got a payday loan over the internet back in May of 2007 and I couldn't pay it back. All the fees ended up overdrawing my account so bad it got closed eventually. When the collection agency contacted me 3 months later to pay it I owed $750 on a $300 loan... which of course I couldn't pay so I asked them for a payment plan they said no we are going to sue you. I didn't have (and still don't have) anyone to borrow the money from so what could I do??? So I waited. Nothing happened. They called again demanding payment...I asked again for a payment plan and again they refused. Pay it NOW in full or we are going to sue you. So basically I have been going through this cycle, all the while TRYING to save the money to pay it off. Today they called me at work again and we went through the same thing. This time she told me that if I didn't pay it in full they are going to send "the authorities" to my work tomorrow at 1pm to "identify me" and take care of this because since my checking account was closed now it's considered fraud. As I said this is a really embarrasing situation for me

Sorry for the long post thanks for reading...any advice would be appreciated...
- ceprateek
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Replied by ceprateek on topic Two People: 1. Someone who is
Two People
Agreed and haste always wastes. So all you should do is be patient and never be desperate and always take advice and then proceed.
- Finance Globe
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Replied by Finance Globe on topic These Pay Day Loans have
It's about time that troops get some backing against these ripoffs! Thanks for sharing.These Pay Day Loans have new rules as of Oct 2007 . They have new rules for Military personnel that Congress passed so all Military Members should go to www.naca.net/_assets/media/militarypaydayloanlaw.pdf I'm active Military and the rules have been changed on these sharks ....To all the new soldiers first go see PLT SGT before taking out one of these loans we've got loans through the Military that have zero interest see Chain of Command first before ever using one of these Companies ....
- Annette
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Replied by Annette on topic These Pay Day Loans have
- Meya
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Replied by Meya on topic Two People: 1. Someone who is
1. Someone who is desperate
2. Someone who doesnt know any better

- Meya
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Replied by Meya on topic Fg, I totally agree! :fun:

- Finance Globe
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Replied by Finance Globe on topic Meya, Pioneer Military Loans has
However, even though these loans are frowned upon everywhere in the military, they're still legal. They add these processing fees and interest right to the balance with that obscene APR, in hopes that you get stuck with the loan for a very long time. Just like jnjsarauer's friend, I needed the loan very short term and thought that it would be a small penny on the dollar as explained to me. However, when they handed me the check, they through in, "Oh you forgot to sign this form as well". All too deceptive! I know that most of the other companies out there open to civilians as well operate on this same basis of evil.