Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

  • Symbios
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Replied by Symbios on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

So, Wells Fargo reported to the bureaus a few weeks ago. I decided to check my credit score using Quizzle.com (Experian) and was shocked to see it's at 693. Is it normal to start that high? I guess I expected it to slowly rise from rock bottom...

Ahh, my first credit score. Surprisingly exciting for a three digit number...
14 years 11 months ago #1
  • Posts: 1257

Replied by ColoNative on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Well at least they gave her something, Bofa will escort you out of their doors with security if you asked to borrow $5 till tomorrow.

LOL I don't doubt it.
14 years 11 months ago #2
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Well at least they gave her something, Bofa will escort you out of their doors with security if you asked to borrow $5 till tomorrow.
14 years 11 months ago #3
  • Posts: 1257

Replied by ColoNative on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Well in my demographic or segmented area, Bofa treat us like dogs. If you wanted to apply for a personal loan, the min income requirement is $100k. I don't care if you wanted to only borrow $1k, they will tell you that the min is $10k.

I went to US Bank and the branch manager told me that if usually if someone does qualify for a personal loan, they tell them to have collateral such as a car title or something in that nature. I applied for one years ago, but could not because I still had plenty of baddies on my report. Now that I don't have any more baddies left, don't think I am not going to apply for one. I am going to start small, put it into my checking and pay them back with it. I love US Bank, they are just slower than a turtle holding up traffic!

Personal loans = credit unions. I wouldn't even waste the time with the big banks. BofA's idea of a loan would be a credit card or line of credit. My sister asked for a loan from US Bank and they offered her a credit card instead.
14 years 11 months ago #4
  • Posts: 1257

Replied by ColoNative on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Colonative - Rocky Mountain Visa... suppose they went the way of Michigan National Bank or the First National Bank of Wilmington ... oh or the great Continental Illinois Bank & Trust ... may they all rest in peace...

I think what was Rocky Mountain Bankcard System was somehow absorbed by US Bank...I think it might have always been part of one of US Bank's legacy banks. Firstbank System or something along those lines. Many years ago, 12 years now, when I worked at Mervyn's some people had a Rocky Mountain Gold card issued by US Bank (I think the BIN was 4719), I think people who had the RMBCS Visa's were just reissued the US Bank issued one. RMBCS was huge here back in the day. Similar to how there were still some people into the late '90s who had a Choice Visa issued by Citibank even though Citibank stopped issuing Choice cards in 1987. Citibank usually grandfathers their cards and as lng as it is kept active the cardholder is always reissued that card even if it is no longer available to the general public.
14 years 11 months ago #5
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Colonative - Rocky Mountain Visa... suppose they went the way of Michigan National Bank or the First National Bank of Wilmington ... oh or the great Continental Illinois Bank & Trust ... may they all rest in peace...
14 years 11 months ago #6
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

meya - that's the problem with your geographic area... you have always been ahead of the rest of the US.

Well in my demographic or segmented area, Bofa treat us like dogs. If you wanted to apply for a personal loan, the min income requirement is $100k. I don't care if you wanted to only borrow $1k, they will tell you that the min is $10k.

I went to US Bank and the branch manager told me that if usually if someone does qualify for a personal loan, they tell them to have collateral such as a car title or something in that nature. I applied for one years ago, but could not because I still had plenty of baddies on my report. Now that I don't have any more baddies left, don't think I am not going to apply for one. I am going to start small, put it into my checking and pay them back with it. I love US Bank, they are just slower than a turtle holding up traffic!
14 years 11 months ago #7
  • Posts: 1257

Replied by ColoNative on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Colo, do you look at other people's credit cards while waiting in line?

Oh you know it! Plus I have looked at quite a few credit reports in my day.
15 years 1 day ago #8
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

meya - that's the problem with your geographic area... you have always been ahead of the rest of the US. My first credit card was a "Bank Americard" issued by the great San Francisco area bank Bank of America. It was 1973 with 18% APR, grace period of 25 days for purchases, no BL's hadn't been invented then only cash advances at the banks no ATM's and an AF ??? amount $15+ maybe and a CL of $300. After six months moved to $500 CL and six months later $1,000 CL. Back then that was the Cat's meow...! :cool:
15 years 1 day ago #9
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

I wanted to put my foot in the door with them, citi, and bofa with secured cc. Being with FG for so long, and listening to everyone story, I have grown patience and learning more about how to get my foot in the door with these big banks. I always wanted a Wells Fargo card, just could never get one. Now that my standards are much better, I am ready to do what ever it takes to get there. US Bank, Bofa, and Wells Fargo are all waaay under a mile from me.
15 years 1 day ago #10
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

meya - another option might be to contact Wells Fargo Financial Bank (offices are located in Sioux Falls, SD) where they are part of the Wells Fargo family. They have a platinum visa that starts you out from $200+ CL to $2,000 CL and can go to $10,000 (unsecured) CL. Old APY was from 8.9% to 27+%. Grace period for purchases with balance transfers available. No frills but it works. I have one. Phone is (800) 247-9215 and see what you think. Website is: www.wellsfargofinancial.com
15 years 2 days ago #11
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Colo, do you look at other people's credit cards while waiting in line? :laugh:
15 years 2 days ago #12
  • Posts: 1257

Replied by ColoNative on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Speaking of Wells Fargo, I was thinking of going for a unsecured cc with them sometimes around summer 10'. I am so afraid that they are not going to give it to me because of an old checking account that went bad back in 1997. I know it has been like 13 years ago, but when I tried to open a checking account with them like 5 years ago, they said NOOOO

Meya, why Wells Fargo if I may ask? Nothing wrong with them (although I am mad that they got Wachovia), just wondering. I wonder if Wells Fargo Financial Bank would approve it if Wells Fargo NA won't.....

It is kind of crazy, with as huge as Wells Fargo is (even before they snatched Wachovia) I rarely hear of people with a WF credit card. A lot of people out here have WF checking accounts, but never a Visa/MasterCard.
15 years 2 days ago #13
  • Posts: 1265

Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Meya - there is this checking credit bureau and Wells Fargo Bank NA lives there ... good luck! I didn't know until I demanded copies. As stingey as thye are, frankly I am surprised they are in business! Yes, I do have some banking with them. Also, never just put all your eggs in one bank... remember the Boy Scout motto. Today one needs a backup "...watch your back..." no one else will do it! :dumbfounded:
15 years 3 days ago #14
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Wells Fargo approved me for my first card!

Speaking of Wells Fargo, I was thinking of going for a unsecured cc with them sometimes around summer 10'. I am so afraid that they are not going to give it to me because of an old checking account that went bad back in 1997. I know it has been like 13 years ago, but when I tried to open a checking account with them like 5 years ago, they said NOOOO!:laugh:
15 years 3 days ago #15