By Frank on Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Category: Economy & Current Events

How to Assess your Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness, a new term for me, is all the rage. In fact, many companies offer financial wellness as an employee benefit. But many may ask, what is financial wellness and how does it help you? Below is a general summary, and please feel free to post in the comments section for any follow up questions.

Financial wellness is not just about your net income, but its about having to experience positive financial outcomings, having a strong financial foundation of living within your means, having no debt, and that you are on track to meet your financial goals. The financial wellness will help you provide a comprehensive assessment of your financial being, and helps you answer from basic financial questions:

If your financial wellness is not where you want it to be, and you are concerned, you may want to reach out to a financial professional. They can help you put together a plan to improve your financial situation. I would interview several financial professionals before selecting one to make sure you get qualified and unbiased advice.


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