By ChrisB on Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Category: Your Money

Here is How you Prepare for a Video Interview

A growing number of companies are relying on video interviewing technology, as this allows them to save time and money on their search for the best candidate.

While this works in the favor of the hiring company, applicants often find themselves in a tricky position. They want to move forward with the process, but they don’t know what to expect along the way. After all, this form of interviewing is relatively new.

If you have been invited to a video interview, it is important to be prepared for anything that could come your way. These three tips will put you on the right track:

1. Understand what is being asked of you. Where do you sign in for the interview? What type of technology is required? The last thing you want is for the big day to arrive, just to realize that you have no idea of what you are doing.

Fortunately, most companies are good about providing candidates with all the information they require. If for any reason you have questions, don’t be shy about speaking up.

2. Practice, practice, practice. When was the last time you turned on your webcam? Like many, your answer may be never. This is not the same as interviewing face to face, so you should practice several times before you sit down for the “real thing.” This will ensure that you are comfortable speaking into your webcam, using your equipment, and interacting with the interviewer.

3. Treat it the same as any other interview. This means a few things. First off, dress to impress. Secondly, don’t take a casual approach. Finally, look the interviewer in the eyes when you speak. Remember, just because you are interviewing via video doesn’t mean you can throw all these things out the window.

With these three tips in mind, you will find it easier to prepare for a video interview. Subsequently, your chance of being invited to the next step in the hiring process is much greater.

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