By ChrisB on Monday, 26 October 2015
Category: Your Money

Have you Reached these Common Financial Goals for 2015?

With October coming to a close, it won’t be long before the calendar is turning. At that point, you will look back at 2015 and ask yourself this one very important question: did you reach your financial goals?

While some people have met their goals early, others are left with a couple months to make progress. Where do you fit in?

Here are some of the most common financial goals, many of which may be on your 2015 to-do list:

•    Take full advantage of any 401(k) match.
•    Contribute to your health savings account.
•    Save enough money in an emergency account.
•    Make regular contributions to an IRA.
•    Set a holiday spending budget.

Of course, these are just a few of the most common financial goals. There are many others you may have set for yourself, such as donating a particular amount of money to charity or purchasing a new vehicle.
Here is the point: you set financial goals because they are important to you. You want to chase after these, hopefully reaching each and every one before the year comes to an end.

If you don’t reach your financial goals in 2015, you have another question to answer: will you carry these over into the new year? For some, this is a no-brainer. They want to eventually reach all their goals. Others, however, may realize that some goals are no longer worth chasing.

We are well into the fourth quarter of 2015, so it is time to look back at your financial goals. What type of progress have you made?

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