"Denial Discovery"
Discover® More® Card Review
Written by: bramford on 2008-02-17
Overall Satisfaction

Customer Service


Account Management

Delivery Time

bramford's review:
I have applied for a Discover twice, but every time, after a few weeks when I go to my mail Box, I Discover that I have been turned down. ;-)

Comment 1 by hjm331
on 2008-02-17
What were your FICO scores when you applied for this card?

Comment 2 by bramford
Fico Score
on 2008-02-17
Hi Hjm. My Fico score is 645. I have had a few things on my credit report in the past, but I am quite capable of handling a large amount of debt. Right now I have 18 open accounts and they are all current. I am just getting tired waiting for these banks to understand that I am wealthy enough to handle high credit lines. I guess I am just impatient.

Comment 3 by porgy1000
Fico Score
on 2008-02-17
I hate to say it BUT most banks only go by your Fico score. They do not even take into consideration your income. If you earn 1 million a year yet your score is 620 you would be declined. YET if you have a FICO of 720 with $18,000 yearly income you would be approved.
I do think they should consider more then just your FICO score when they give out credit, however, the FICO score counts for 95% of the decision.

I do think they should consider more then just your FICO score when they give out credit, however, the FICO score counts for 95% of the decision.
Comment 4 by bramford
Totally Agree!
on 2008-02-17
Hello Porgy. I must say that I in total agreement with your assessments. It is only now that I have come to realize how important your credit score is in the United States, and I am working hard to fix my credit, and bring my credit score up to a decent #. Any suggestions are welcome.

Comment 5 by meya
Just Hold On
on 2008-02-17
Take the utilizastion down, that has a great impact on your scores also. It sends a red flad to other creditors (and themselves) that you are having a hard time somewhere and are at risk for defaulting.

Comment 6 by bramford
MY Income.
on 2008-02-18
Hi Meya and everyone. I screwed up my credit when I was kid. No to brag, but I make 2.5 millio n a year, and live in a 6000 sqft house, and it is just humiliating to see some kid get approved for all the best cards, while I have to get stuck with all the junk cards. In the past month, I have closed 5 junk cards. In the end, I would like to thank all of you for your help and advice.

Comment 7 by hjm331
Who's The Kid?
on 2008-02-18
Bramford, who's the kid that's getting approved for the best cards?

Comment 8 by bramford
Kids In Their 20's
on 2008-02-18
Hi HJM. You Know what I mean, kids in their 20's and 30's.

Comment 9 by bramford
Oh Well.
on 2008-02-18
Hi everyone. In the end, all I can say to these credit card companies that have denied credit to me is: "Just because you do not see an elephant, does not mean it is not there!!!"

Comment 10 by porgy1000
on 2008-02-18
Wow Bramford, I am not in your income league, I only earn approx $500,000 per year as a medical examiner. Sure I can earn more if I went into plastic surgery etc, but I enjoy my job.
Again, the FICO scores do NOT take your income into account. Even though you earn 2.5 million a year, it has no bearing on your credit scores.
Now I know a lot of high income people who do not have high scores so don't worry about which cards you can get. You can always use your debit card for small purchases. Large purchases you would need a high credit limit card of course. In time you may get one, just hang on there.
A 6000 sq foot house? with your income? Sheesh, mine is 11,500 square feet, 9 bedrooms 8 baths and I earn a fraction of what you do. Well I guess things are bigger in Texas LOL who knows. I am single, however, I have a problem finding my dogs LOL, they do love to hang out in the movie theatre though.
Just hang in there, in time the old problems will fall off of your report.

Again, the FICO scores do NOT take your income into account. Even though you earn 2.5 million a year, it has no bearing on your credit scores.
Now I know a lot of high income people who do not have high scores so don't worry about which cards you can get. You can always use your debit card for small purchases. Large purchases you would need a high credit limit card of course. In time you may get one, just hang on there.
A 6000 sq foot house? with your income? Sheesh, mine is 11,500 square feet, 9 bedrooms 8 baths and I earn a fraction of what you do. Well I guess things are bigger in Texas LOL who knows. I am single, however, I have a problem finding my dogs LOL, they do love to hang out in the movie theatre though.
Just hang in there, in time the old problems will fall off of your report.
Comment 11 by markrivers
Targetting Kids
on 2008-02-18
Bramford, I agree with you, a kid entering college with no previous history will probably get approved with a " student Credit card... With low credit limit and high APR..
these credit card companies target these incoming frshmen,
@ porgy 1000... So you're in the medical field as well... I can't wait to start my practice and pay all these student loans..
i'm still doing residency and you know how much we get in a yr... It's like cents compared to what you and bramford are earning... Oh well!
my day will come =)

these credit card companies target these incoming frshmen,
@ porgy 1000... So you're in the medical field as well... I can't wait to start my practice and pay all these student loans..
i'm still doing residency and you know how much we get in a yr... It's like cents compared to what you and bramford are earning... Oh well!
my day will come =)
Comment 12 by markrivers
Go For A Secured Card
on 2008-02-18
@ bramford
i think a secured card with a 10,000- 100,000 credit limit will be ok for you since you're earning a lot... After 6 months they'll return your money and you'll be able to retain that high credit limt.
i suggest Bank of America.

i think a secured card with a 10,000- 100,000 credit limit will be ok for you since you're earning a lot... After 6 months they'll return your money and you'll be able to retain that high credit limt.
i suggest Bank of America.
Comment 13 by porgy1000
on 2008-02-18
@MarkRivers, I sure hope you find a good field to practice in. I earn most of my income from being an expert witness for both sides. Being a medical examiner I am a county employee. The pay is half of my income. I am just glad I can do other things to earn some income.
I paid off my student loans when I was 38 OUCH. I could just imagine how much the education would cost today. I went to Chicago Med, I could not get out of there fast enough after graduation. Now that place was COLD. From Chicago to the morgue LOL cold cold cold

I paid off my student loans when I was 38 OUCH. I could just imagine how much the education would cost today. I went to Chicago Med, I could not get out of there fast enough after graduation. Now that place was COLD. From Chicago to the morgue LOL cold cold cold
Comment 14 by markrivers
Student Loans
on 2008-02-18
at 38? Oh my!! I'm doing internal medicine residency... Here at CT then probably fellowship in Pulmonology and Critical Care..
i was doing orthopedic residency then I had a changed of heart... Believe it or not, I got bored... And when I got married 2006 ( my wife is also an MD) she asked for more Family time =)
right now, the trend is " quality of life" ha ha ha! That's why residencies in dermatology, radiology, pathology are competitive... Oh well! =)

at 38? Oh my!! I'm doing internal medicine residency... Here at CT then probably fellowship in Pulmonology and Critical Care..
i was doing orthopedic residency then I had a changed of heart... Believe it or not, I got bored... And when I got married 2006 ( my wife is also an MD) she asked for more Family time =)
right now, the trend is " quality of life" ha ha ha! That's why residencies in dermatology, radiology, pathology are competitive... Oh well! =)
Comment 15 by porgy1000
on 2008-02-18
You are probably better off getting married to a doctor. I was married to a waitress and she divorced me as I worked so many hours. I can not dictate when someone will die or be murdered. I am always on call.
Now my ex wife is married to a garbage man. He has more stable hours.
Yes, I was 38 when I paid off my student loans. 1.1 million I owed out, now that was a chunk of change LOL

Now my ex wife is married to a garbage man. He has more stable hours.
Yes, I was 38 when I paid off my student loans. 1.1 million I owed out, now that was a chunk of change LOL
Comment 16 by bramford
on 2008-03-27
Applied online on 03/27/08. Approved immediately. Credit Limit $3100. Do not know what the interest rate is yet.

Comment 17 by hjm331
on 2008-03-27
I really need a Discover card! I heard their CS was top notch! Bramford, what were your scores during the application and who did they pull?

Comment 18 by bramford
Credit Score
on 2008-03-27
Experian: 690
Equafax: 618
TransUnion: 624

Experian: 690
Equafax: 618
TransUnion: 624
Comment 19 by eldarwen
on 2008-03-28
Congrats of your new card! Tells us your experience on this card.

Comment 20 by meya
Way To Go
on 2008-03-28
Congrats on the teir one card, you have recevied some nice cards lately, it is time to through the boo-boo subprimed cards in the shreddar... Lol.:)

Comment 23 by debtor00
on 2008-04-01
Thanks 4 n4. Got nerve 2 apply 4 green when u said they pulled Experian! Approved!

Comment 24 by lyyssa01
on 2008-04-01
Green amex? If you don't mind me asking what was your ex score and any derogs?

Comment 25 by debtor00
Fako Experian
on 2008-04-02
Fako experian was 610 with 1 six year old medical collection and one old baddie scheduled to be removed in August. Inquiries and new accounts were out of this world, but I have been led to believe that Amex is the least score based of credit cards. They really like to see low utilization, so that really worked in my favor.

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by Discover Card. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by Discover Card. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.