"$200 Credit Increase"
PREMIER Bankcard® Mastercard® Credit Card Review
Written by: tyty2010 on 2013-01-02
Overall Satisfaction

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tyty2010's review:
My husband has had this card for a year and received an $200 increase for good payment history. I know they have alot of fees, but we are rebuiling our credit and this card does help. Also offered there platinum card. Plan too use for two years and then close it.

Comment 1 by mrrob
Re: $200 Credit Increase
on 2013-01-03
Congrats on CLI, didn't know 1st Premiere gave CLI

Comment 2 by wanderer
Re: $200 Credit Increase
on 2013-01-05
Glad you are seeing improvement in your credit. Getting a CL increase from Premier is tough so you are doing things well. Congrats!

Comment 3 by tyty2010
Re: $200 Credit Increase
on 2013-01-06
Thanks to you guys on FG it has been a great help to us.Yes it was a big surprise to get an cli from them was going to close out .But will hold on to it for at least a one more year. Thank you to all of you that give us new members hope and positive words of encouragement.

Comment 4 by roughdraft
Re: $200 Credit Increase
on 2013-01-09
Congrats, on your husband's CLI. I had been going through the rebuiling phase, as have others here on FG. My advice would be to open a few more cards that you may qualify for, for people rebuilding. Look at Capital One, or GECapital (they have lots of retail cards) so that when you do decide to close your Frist Premier card a year from now, you don't lose all your history, as that plays an important role in determining your score. You want to weed out the bad ones, but leave some for the sake of having good credit history.

Comment 5 by tyty2010
Re: $200 Credit Increase/ To: Roughdraft
on 2013-01-09
Thanks for your advice. My husband have 2 secured cards with capital one and one with orchard, which now also cap one, but it is unsecured. Was just approved last month for a navy fed plat unsecured with a 1000 cl, last month after being a member for only 4 months. We both have been rebuilding our credit and I do have a couple of cards with GE cl of 2000 and 500, it has raised my scores and my lowest is 648 exp.

Comment 6 by tbboko802
Re: $200 Credit Increase
on 2013-02-26
I have had this card for 8 years. I began with a 200 dollar limit so after the fees I had 45 dollars available :). Now I have a 1300 credit limit. The point is so not count on this car "growing" with regard the credit limit. BUT FP has never lied to me and I get a CLI 1/yr like clockwork. In addition, 3 years ago FP dropped my annual fee and reduced my monthly dues to 2 dollars a month. The account has done its job.

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Disclaimer: This content is not provided by PREMIER Bankcard. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by PREMIER Bankcard. Review content is powered by Finance Globe.